How to clean NVIDIA drivers downloaded cache files

Nguyen Hung
2 min readAug 12, 2019


Let clean up unused cache and downloaded files, it may help you gain up to 1.7GB

Location 1: Downloader

Where is it?

NVIDIA will keep the installer files when you install or update the driver, they can be found in this directory

C:\ProgramData\NVIDIA Corporation\Downloader

These installer files are really large and take up almost 1.6GB of my hard drive

Size of Downloader directory
Size of Downloader directory

How to remove them?

Just select all directories with the random named and latest one (as the image below). You can delete them permanently.

Cached installer directories
Cached installer directories

Location 2: Installer2

Where is it?

These files can be used in a roll-back and SHOULD be deleted when uninstalling or updating your driver. However, in reality, you usually update your driver without the “perform a clean install” checkbox. You can file them under

C:\Program Files\NVIDIA Corporation\Installer2
Size of Installer2 Directory
Size of Installer2 Directory

How do remove them?

Be careful: Removing these files means you can no longer uninstall the Geforce Experience regularly. However, do not worry. If you ever need to uninstall Geforce Experience simply download the latest GeForce experience setup and re-install the latest version. Hereafter you can uninstall the Geforce Experience as if nothing happened.

Just remove all files inside Installer2. DO NOT delete the directory Installer2

