Are You A Good Leader?

Thilina Uvindasiri
6 min readApr 12, 2023


Leadership plays a crucial role in every industry, including the IT industry. In the IT industry, where innovation, technology, and creativity play an essential role, it is even more important to have a strong leader who can guide the team to achieve their goals. A leader either could be a heavy burdened management role in the company or even a small scale team lead or a senior member that is expect to achieve certain goals for your organization.
The difference between a leader and a boss is that a leader inspires, motivates, and guides the team towards a shared vision, while a boss is someone who is focused on getting the job done, without necessarily taking the team’s perspective into account. Today, we will discuss what makes a you a good leader, characteristics of a good leader, how leadership affects retaining employees and skills and much more.

What Makes A Good Leader

A good leader has a clear vision and inspires and motivates their team to achieve that vision. They are honest, trustworthy, and lead by example. They are good communicators, listeners, and problem-solvers. A good leader empowers their team members and encourages them to grow and learn. They provide constructive feedback, recognize and reward their team members’ accomplishments, and promote a positive work culture. Let’s dive into more depth to see what does this mean.

Great Leaders Don’t Create Followers, They Create More Leaders

This is one of my favorite quotes about leadership. Tom Peters’s statement, “Great Leaders don’t create followers, they create more leaders” emphasizes the importance of empowering and developing individuals within an organization. Rather than simply leading and directing a group of followers, a good leader should strive to create an environment that encourages and supports individual growth and development. By empowering team members to take ownership of their work and encouraging them to take on leadership roles, a leader can create a culture of leadership within the organization.

The statement suggests that leaders should not focus solely on getting their team members to follow their lead, but instead focus on creating an environment that encourages and supports the development of new leaders. Leaders who invest in their team members’ growth and development can help to cultivate a sense of ownership and accountability among their team members. This can lead to a more engaged and motivated workforce, as well as a pipeline of future leaders who can continue to drive the organization’s success.

Top 10 Characteristics Of A Good Leader

  1. Vision - A good leader has a clear vision and communicates it to their team. They inspire and motivate their team to work towards that vision.
  2. Honesty - A good leader is honest and transparent in their communication. They admit their mistakes and take responsibility for their actions.
  3. Trustworthiness - A good leader is trustworthy and builds trust with their team by keeping their promises and following through on commitments.
  4. Empathy - A good leader is empathetic and understands their team members’ perspectives. They listen to their team members’ concerns and show support when needed.
  5. Communication - A good leader is an excellent communicator. They communicate effectively and regularly with their team, providing feedback, guidance, and direction.
  6. Problem-solving - A good leader is a problem-solver. They identify problems and find solutions to overcome them.
  7. Empowerment - A good leader empowers their team members by giving them the autonomy to make decisions and take ownership of their work.
  8. Recognition - A good leader recognizes and rewards their team members’ accomplishments. They show appreciation for their team’s hard work and dedication.
  9. Positive work culture - A good leader promotes a positive work culture. They create an environment where their team members feel valued, respected, and supported.
  10. Continuous learning - A good leader encourages their team members to grow and learn. They provide opportunities for training and development, and they lead by example, continuously improving themselves.

Does Good Leadership Help Retain Employees And Skills?

Of course it does !
Good leadership is essential for employee retention in the IT industry. When employees feel valued, supported, and recognized, they are more likely to stay with the company. A good leader empowers their team members, provides opportunities for growth and development, and creates a positive work culture that encourages collaboration and innovation. By retaining employees, companies can retain valuable skills and expertise, reducing turnover costs and improving productivity.

How Good Leadership Helps Create A Good Culture Within The Companies

A good leader promotes an inclusive, respectful, and supportive work environment, where team members feel valued and appreciated. They encourage open communication, collaboration, and innovation, promoting a sense of belonging and ownership among the team members. By fostering a positive work culture, companies can attract and retain top talent, improve employee engagement and productivity, and build a strong reputation in the industry.

How Good Leadership Helps Companies To Market Their Image

Good leadership can also help companies to market their image. When a company has a strong leader/s who values and supports their team members, it can improve the company’s reputation and brand image. A positive work culture can attract top talent, and satisfied employees can become advocates for the company, promoting it through word of mouth and social media. A good leader can also promote the company’s values and mission, inspiring customers, investors, and stakeholders to support the company’s goals. Same goes to the team level leads. The reputation of their talents, skills, how they treat their team members and how happy their team members to work with him/organization spreads like wild fire among the colleagues, different companies and even in socially as well. All that being said, remember that the reputation of you/your company could spread as much as the same if you are a bad leader or you have bad leadership within your company/organization.

Top 5 Signs That Says Your Company Needs Better Leadership

  1. High employee turnover - High employee turnover is a clear sign that the company needs better leadership. When employees leave the company, it can indicate that they feel undervalued, unsupported, or unhappy with the work culture.
  2. Low employee engagement - Low employee engagement can also be a sign that the company needs better leadership. When employees are disengaged, they may not be motivated to work towards the company’s goals, and productivity can suffer as a result.
  3. Lack of innovation - A lack of innovation can indicate that the company needs better leadership. When team members feel unsupported or uninspired, they may not be motivated to come up with new ideas or take risks.
  4. Poor communication - Poor communication can also be a sign that the company needs better leadership. When team members feel like their concerns are not being heard or their feedback is not being acted upon, it can lead to frustration and resentment.
  5. Negative work culture - A negative work culture can be a clear sign that the company needs better leadership. When team members feel unsupported, undervalued, or disrespected, it can create a toxic work environment that can lead to low morale and low productivity.

Tips For Being A Good Leader

Being a good leader requires continuous learning, growth, and development. Here are some tips for being a good leader.

  1. Lead by example - As a leader, it’s essential to lead by example. Model the behavior and values that you want to see in your team members.
  2. Communicate effectively - Communication is key to being a good leader. Be transparent, honest, and clear in your communication with your team members.
  3. Empower your team - Empower your team members by giving them the autonomy to make decisions and take ownership of their work.
  4. Recognize and reward - Recognize and reward your team members’ accomplishments. Show appreciation for their hard work and dedication.
  5. Create a positive work culture - Create a positive work culture that values collaboration, innovation, and respect.
  6. Invest in your team members - Invest in your team members’ growth and development by providing training and development opportunities.
  7. Foster leadership in others - As a leader, it’s essential to foster leadership in others. Encourage and support your team members to become leaders themselves.

Finally, leadership is not just about managing a team or accomplishing a goal, but it’s also about fostering leadership in others. Good leaders understand that investing in their team members’ growth and development can create a ripple effect, leading to more leaders emerging within the organization. By empowering their team members and giving them opportunities to learn and grow, leaders can create a culture of leadership within their organization. This can not only help the company achieve its goals but also create a pipeline of future leaders who can continue to drive the organization’s success. Ultimately, leaders who create more leaders are not just building a successful team but a legacy that can last for years to come.

Hope you find this article helpful to be best version of you. Go now, make the best leader out of you !



Thilina Uvindasiri

I am an SRE | DevOps professional who loves exploring newest tech standards, technologies and automating things.