Real-World Examples of Apache Kafka

Think Data
4 min readJul 26, 2024


Log Aggregation at Uber:

Uber uses Kafka for log aggregation to collect and manage massive amounts of log data generated by its microservices architecture. Each service within Uber’s infrastructure produces logs that are collected and streamed into Kafka topics. From there, the logs are processed, stored, and analyzed to monitor application performance, troubleshoot issues, and ensure smooth operation of their ride-hailing platform.

Real-Time Analytics at LinkedIn:

LinkedIn, the professional networking site, leverages Kafka for real-time analytics to track user interactions and engagement on the platform. By streaming data related to clicks, shares, comments, and other activities into Kafka, LinkedIn can perform real-time analytics to personalize user feeds, recommend content, and monitor the overall health of the platform. This real-time data processing helps LinkedIn enhance user experience and optimize its services.

Event Sourcing at Walmart:

Walmart employs Kafka for event sourcing to manage its inventory system across thousands of stores. When a product is scanned at the checkout counter, an event is generated and sent to Kafka. This event records the sale, updates the inventory, and triggers replenishment processes if needed. By using event sourcing with Kafka, Walmart ensures accurate, up-to-date inventory tracking and efficient stock management across its extensive network of retail locations.

Stream Processing at Netflix:

Netflix uses Kafka for stream processing to enhance its recommendation engine and improve user experience. By streaming data such as user viewing history, preferences, and behaviors into Kafka, Netflix processes this data in real-time to update recommendations and personalize content suggestions. This enables Netflix to deliver relevant content to users promptly, increasing engagement and satisfaction.

Log Compaction at X (previously known as Twitter):

Twitter employs Kafka for log compaction to manage user timelines efficiently. Each tweet, like, retweet, and follow/unfollow event is recorded in Kafka. Log compaction ensures that only the latest state of each user’s timeline is maintained, reducing storage requirements and enabling quick retrieval of user timelines. This helps Twitter handle high volumes of data while maintaining fast, responsive user experiences.

Data Integration at Expedia:

Expedia uses Kafka Connect for data integration to streamline data flows between different systems within its infrastructure. For example, booking data from various travel sites and services is streamed into Kafka. Using Kafka Connect, this data is integrated into their centralized data warehouse for further processing and analysis. This seamless integration enables Expedia to offer comprehensive travel solutions and insights to its customers.

Monitoring and Alerting at New Relic:

New Relic, a cloud-based observability platform, uses Kafka to collect and stream monitoring data from client applications and infrastructure. By aggregating logs, metrics, and traces into Kafka, New Relic can process and analyze this data in real-time to detect anomalies, generate alerts, and provide actionable insights to its users. This helps clients monitor application performance and resolve issues proactively.

Messaging and Notifications at Spotify:

Spotify leverages Kafka for its messaging and notifications system to enhance user engagement. When a new song is released by an artist a user follows, an event is sent to Kafka. This event triggers notifications to be sent to users in real-time, informing them of the new release. Kafka’s ability to handle large volumes of data with low latency ensures that users receive timely and relevant notifications, improving their overall experience with the platform.

Internet of Things (IoT) at Tesla:

Tesla uses Kafka to manage and process data from its fleet of electric vehicles. Each vehicle continuously streams telemetry data, such as speed, battery level, location, and sensor readings, into Kafka. This data is processed in real-time to monitor vehicle performance, predict maintenance needs, and enhance autonomous driving capabilities. Kafka’s robust architecture allows Tesla to handle the high throughput and low latency requirements of IoT data processing.

Financial Services at Goldman Sachs:

Goldman Sachs employs Kafka in its trading platform to handle real-time market data streams. By streaming trade and market data into Kafka, the platform processes and analyzes this data in real-time to make informed trading decisions, manage risk, and ensure regulatory compliance. Kafka’s ability to process large volumes of data quickly and reliably is crucial for the high-stakes world of financial trading.

Supply Chain Management at Amazon:

Amazon uses Kafka to optimize its supply chain management. Order data, inventory levels, and shipment tracking information are streamed into Kafka from various sources. This real-time data processing helps Amazon manage inventory, predict demand, optimize delivery routes, and ensure timely order fulfillment. Kafka’s scalability and fault-tolerance are essential for handling the vast and dynamic data flows in Amazon’s supply chain operations.


These real-world examples illustrate how Apache Kafka is utilized across diverse industries to power critical data processing and streaming applications. Its robust architecture, scalability, and fault-tolerance make it an ideal choice for organizations seeking to harness real-time data to drive innovation and operational efficiency.

Read more about Kafka in the official documentation below!

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