Why didn’t they use the black Captain Marvel?

2 min readFeb 18, 2019
Captain Marvel

So they went with the blonde huh?

Like, wow…seriously? You all know there was black Captain Marvel right? Yes, the first Captain Marvel was a white dude…yuck. Then it turned into the a white, blonde, super empowered female. Okay, brownie points for making her a strong woman, but she is still white, still privileged, and still wrong for a major motion picture, because aside from those two versions of this lesser tier superHERo, Marvel put out an ultra-woke version for years, and SHE was BLACK.

Her name was Monica Rambeau. She was an African-American queen, she was beautiful (by her own standards, not the white patriarchy’s), she wore an Afro (and later braids, which is her right as a black woman), and she was all powerful (like every woman ever).

Talk about the right Captain Marvel for our times!

Yet Marvel studios, which is supposed to be so woke with its new feminist female CEO and its new stated mission towards gender neutral content, decided to go with the white nationalist fantasy version of Captain Marvel, with the incredibly white name Carol Danvers. And we’re supposed to be falling over ourselves with praise? At least Wonder Woman was a brunette with a small degree of ethnic ambiguity!

Look, brownie points for not going with any symbol of patriarchy and toxic masculinity, which is embodied in ANY and ALL male superhero characters, both fictional and non-fictional, but does she have to be white, blonde, and gorgeous!

I hate her. I hate her. I hate her!

Dear Marvel, time to check your bias and more than anything white privilege. Fine, you made Spiderman a black boy. Great. Here is a cookie, it’s half baked. You still made him hetero-normative and had the audacity to write in a “girlfriend” character! A girlfriend! What year are you in bros?

Just, make Captain Marvel the black woman she is supposed to be, or we cannot do this anymore. Okay? Goodbye!

