100 Best Life and Career Coach Blogs

Vandana Shah
14 min readSep 15, 2015


According to CNN, the number of coaches is double what was only a few years ago. Coaches can act as guides for clients who want to change careers, repair relationships, or get their life together. Below are the top 100 coach blogs on everything from life to career to relationships.

Best Life Coach Blogs

Visit these highly rated blogs to get advice on every aspect of life.

1. Anthony Robbins Blog: Famed life coach Tony Robbins recently had a reality show picked up by NBC. His blog is full of entries and videos containing tons of strategies and tips. His home site also has a free life plan tool, behavioral assessment, and referral program.

2. Someday Syndrome: If you feel stuck and nothing happens like you want it to, you have Someday Syndrome. Alex Fayle is the life coach for getting out of this mess, along with how not to go back in.

3. Coach T.I.A.: “Tia” inspires her readers to Take Inspired Actions through tips such as unreal expectations, detoxing thoughts and life, and six steps to release attachments. You can also get free life assessment forms for professional or personal life.

4. Contemplate Life Coaching Blog: Marian Kerr is a life coach who gives free access to her articles and book reviews, along with her blog. A recent entry asked the daring question: what if money was no object?

5. All Paths to Victory: Gaye Wilson is a professional life coach and editor. Read the blog to get information on how to live your dreams and other useful life and career tools.

6. Good Vibe Blog: Jeannette Maw shows you the Law of Attraction, what a Master Manifestor is, and how to further embrace your creative powers. She gives a list of recommended readings and her most popular post is drawing the line on love.

7. Steve Pavlina’s Personal Development Blog: He blogs on personal development for smart people. Top entries include ten reasons to never get a job, how to discover your life purpose in 20 minutes, and his wife even has a related blog that is linked to.

8. Lose the Excuses!: Corporate trainer and life coach Karyn Beach helps people overcome their excuses and gives them the motivation to live the lives they’ve only imagined. The latest posts involve blessings, self-care, and losing assumptions.

9. Flaming Renaissance: Megan is a fiery woman who is passionate about injecting abundance into your life. Categories of posts range from a kick in the butt to how to change your life.

10. Midlife Maze: Life Coach Ellen Besso shows men and women in their middle ages how to navigate their changing life. Popular entries include a three step plan to changing your thinking and the big 60.

11. M.A.D. Moments: Clare shows you how to better plan, prioritize, and organize to be more productive in your personal or business life. In addition to the blog, you can get three power time tips and other management resources.

12. Self Help Goddess: Mary Knebel keeps track of the best and the worst in self help resources. Get previews, reviews, and recommendations by reading her blog.

13. Martha Beck: Martha offers a range of services for those in need of a coach. Her blog is full of life altering and inspirational posts.

14. Pumpkin and Co. Ltd.: Frederique Murphy is the owner and the mission is to help clients achieve personal and business growth. A fairly new blog but the entries are impressive thus far.

15. Law of Attraction: Official Blog of Secrets: Not to be confused with the famous book, “The Secret,” this blog focuses on the law of attraction. Although it hasn’t been updated in a while, you can still read secret related posts.

Best Career Coach Blogs

Get professional coaching advice for everyone from assistants to managers with these blogs.

16. Corporate Presenter: Jeremy Jacobs is known at “The Voice” and offers many tips for the business minded. He gives advice on speeches, phone calls, and more.

17. SoloPreneur.biz: Janet Slack is the owner of Life Adventure Coaching and gives tips on business, marketing, the entrepreneur, and technology. In addition to her blog, you can download her free eBook, “Biz Tips: Entrepreneur Edition.”

18. Potential to Performance: Corry runs this blog as an inner circle for business leaders. Recent entries include choices, leaving like a leader, and eat that frog.

19. The Savvy Entrepreneur: Cristina Favreau helps virtual office assistants find their authentic marketing voice. You can make a ton of extra money by following her tips or sign up for the Get Clients Now! program.

20. Get Known Now: Suzanne Falter-Barns shows you how to create an online presence that can attract the media. Get tips on how to promote your business or listen to one of her podcasts.

21. Patricia Weber: Pat is a business sales coach for introverts, the shy, and reluctant. Read her regularly updated blogs or click on resources to get links to her published articles for even more career tips.

22. Michele Woodward’s Coaching Blog: She helps individuals and businesses manage transition and achieve clarity of purpose. Visit her blog for useful tips and even a “Do Less, Get More” free audio class.

23. Internet Marketing Tips: Denise Wakeman is a skilled internet marketing strategist, whose observations can help you grow your business. Her blog is full of marketing tips including 101 low and no cost marketing tools.

24. Shine Bright…On Your Brand: Judy Winslow assists owners in growing their business through branding. Entries focus on lessons, creative ideas, and tips.

25. More Than WE Know: Visit this blog for information, inspiration, and support for women entrepreneurs. Liz coaches business owners with many top ten lists.

26. Prosperous Coach Blog: Rhonda Hess is a business coach who promotes success strategies. Recent posts include finding confidence, eight email habits, and boosting a business through a blog.

27. Compass Strategies: This is the blog of a executive coach, advisor, and business executive. A recent entry dealt with customer service and complaints.

Best Relationship Coach Blogs

Get relationship advice for singles, spouses, parents, and even divorcees on these blogs.

28. Straight Talk on Relationships: Lisa Merlo-Booth is an expert on love and relationships who tells it like it is. Recent entries deal with anger, affair free zones, and lessons from the Dalai Lama.

29. Create a New Season: Coach Mary Ann Lowry will help you raise awesome children by broadening your parenting skills. Get tips and random yet inspirational thoughts by reading her blog.

30. How to Love a Nice Guy: Marquita Thompson focuses on helping clients develop functional relationships. Her blog is full of information on her personal life, along with relationship advice.

31. Weight Shift Coaching: Those with weight issues will enjoy reading this blog for how to improve your relationship with yourself. In addition to the blog, you can get a free weight loss audio class and virtual hunger scale.

32. No Safe Distance: If you are going through a difficult time in your life, Laura Young might be the coach for you. Get help for going painful transitions, inspirational words, and more.

33. The Parenting Coach: Barbara Desmarais shows you how to raise happy children in her blog. Recent entries deal with grandparents, working mothers, and allowance.

34. Relationship Coach Blog: Jack Ito gives advice on relationships and marriage counseling on his blog. The latest posts deal with dying relationships and “joy juice.”

35. Love Coach Blog: Coach Rinatta gives couples tips on conscious, loving relationships. She even gives tips for singles, married couples, and men.

36. Singles Coach Blog: If you’re still searching for your match, let Nina Atwood give you useful tips through her blog. There is even a link to the ten dating traps you must avoid.

37. Carolin Dahlman: Her passion is helping people find love and stay there. She often takes and answers her readers questions in the blog.

38. Ken Donaldson Relationship Coach: This blog is intended for those looking for advice on love, along with career. Ken gives you no nonsense coaching to create successful relationships in both business and life.

39. The Marriage Coach: In this new blog, Roland Trujillo gives advice on both marriage and divorce. A recent post showed how to avoid divorce by taking ten steps to avoiding resentment.

Best Blogs for Life and Career Coaches

Professional coaches will enjoy these blogs made just for them, and potential clients will enjoy the behind the scenes look at coaching.

40. New Coach Connection: This blog was formed to connect and create an independent coaching community. Get tips for new or experienced coaches and more.

41. Grow as a Coach: Claire Champman helps coaches unearth their strengths and reach for their goals. In addition to the helpful posts, coaches can sign up for the complimentary eCourse “15 Life Lessons: What you didn’t learn in Coach Training!”

42. Coaching Biz Tips: Kathy Mallary is the signature system coach and gives business tips on coaching for success. Recent posts include 5 keys for success in 2009 and how to make good decisions quickly.

43. The Coach Virtual Assistant: This blog contains caffeinated business support for the coach on the go. Get loads of tips on managing time, submitting articles, and more.

44. Feel Great Coaching: This blog is full of events and tips that are useful for the coach in need. You can also get a free 30 minute coaching introductory session by calling or emailing.

45. Andrea J. Lee’s Blog: Her blog is on what matters for coaches and other conscious business owners. After checking out the blog, you can sign up for a free copy of “The 5 Keys to Putting Money in Coaches’ Pockets.”

46. Life Coaching Blog: The Coach Training Alliance certifies coaches and helps get them paying clients. Popular entries on the blog include favorite quotes and “aha” moments.

47. Tech Coach for Coaches: This blog is ideal for coaches who are trying to stay ahead of the technology curve. You can even get a copy of “Geek To English Translator — The Technology Dictionary for Non-Geeks!” by entering your name, email, and how you heard about them.

Best Inspirational Blogs

These blogs are ideal for coaches or people who need a simple, yet motivational push to get started.

48. Daily Om: Stop here for a dose of internet meditation for the mind, body, and spirit. They have a daily inspirational message, horoscope, online courses, and more.

49. Daily Good: Visit here for an inspiring quote, a good news story, and a simple action to take. The most popular two are Jasmine the rescue dog and yoga supergran.

50. Motivational Quote of the Day: Get inspirational message from figures such as Mother Teresa or the Dalai Lama. You can also search for quotes by author.

51. Best Inspiration: Visit here for constant updates on the best in quotes, books, movies, resources, and posters. You can even get inspiration from figures such as Albert Einstein and Gandhi.

52. Simple Truths: The Blog of Inspiration: This blog is full of motivational stories from coaches and people who were helped by them. You can also view inspirational online movies with the click of a mouse.

53. Phil Gerbyshak: Phil is a professional speaker, relationship geek, and motivational blog writer. Get lots of articles to motivate you to take action, including many entries involving twitter.

54. One Year of Beauty: Read this blog to learn more about the challenge set forth to spend an entire year finding beauty in each day. With over 630 posts, you can easily find inspiration.

55. Big Blue Barn West: This blogger tells the story of finding their way from physical and mental abuse to true love. Each entry is a chapter in this inspirational journey.

Best Motivational Speaker Blogs

Learn how to improve your own speaking skills and more with the help of these professionals and their blogs.

56. Pro Humorist: Anyone who has trouble speaking in public — and who doesn’t — will enjoy this funny and useful blog by Jason. He gives tips for speaking on business, leadership, presentations, and even toasts.

57. Laugh-O-Nomics: Brad Montgomery’s blog shows you how to connect humor at work to your bottom line. Get his top five entries at the top of the blog, read the many useful tips, or watch Brad on one of his videos.

58. The Public Speaking Blog: Eric Feng teaches you everything you want or need to know about public speaking. Get loads of useful tips including ten crazy things to do with a PowerPoint presentation.

59. Speak Schmeak: Public speaking coach Lisa Braithwaite tells you what she thinks about speakers and related items on her blog. In addition to useful posts, she lists 101 tips to improve your public speaking.

60. Humor Power: John Kinde is a humor specialist who believes it can be used to better thinking, speaking, and living. Learn how incorporating jokes and laughs into your speeches can improve them dramatically.

61. A Public Speaker’s Blog: Nick Thomas is a professional public speakers who helps his reader in their own speaking. He constantly gives tips and is already up to number 316.

62. Lifehacker: This community of bloggers have many tips and downloads for getting things done. They have a special section for public speaking and recently did a short series on presenting yourself powerfully.

63. Six Minutes: Andrew Dlugan has taught courses, conducted seminars, coached speakers, and emceed events. Visit his blog for tips on the best speaking methods and what six minutes actually means.

64. Speechwriting and Professional Speaking: Ian helps readers with speaking, speech writing, and executive communications. A recent entry dealt with the concept of an elevator pitch.

Best Communities for Life and Career

If you need help with your life, career, or other problem, visit these communities for support from people going through the same thing.

65. Dr. Phil: After a brief signup, you will get access to every feature on the site including diaries and message boards. Even non members can read Dr. Phil’s advice on life, weight, career, and much more.

66. Brazen Careerist: This is a top community dedicated to serving the young professional. Join the community, view the groups, read a blog, or even start your own.

67. Anthony Robbins Meetup Groups: Join fans of this leading motivational speaker to gather, swap stories, and discuss motivational techniques. There are dozens of groups everywhere but the most active are in London, Toronto, and Dallas.

68. Social Anxiety Forum: If you’re having problems in your life or career, social anxiety may be the cause. If you think you may have it, join or read one of the hundreds of thousands of message boards on this very active community.

69. My eCoach: A one time fee of $35 gets you a lifetime membership to this community that helps everyone become better at whatever they do. View examples of what they do from website design to funding for free.

70. Fearless Book Group: Formerly Fearbuster Group, members choose a book to read and then meet to discuss it with a Group Leader who decides whether sessions will be free or available for a small fee (usually from $5-$20 per session). Find a group in your area or start your own.

Best Communities for Coaches

Coaches need support as well and can find it in the below communities.

71. International Coach Federation: The ICF is a nonprofit organization formed by individual members-professionals to create a world recognized credential program for coach. Learn more about membership and credentials or use their site to find an accredited coach in your area.

72. The International Association of Coaching: This is another certification program for coaches. They also have a useful blog for coaches or someone thinking about getting a coach.

73. CoachVille: This global community for coaches has over 25,000 members in over 70 Countries. Get a ton of resources for coaches including certification, free forms, a weekly radio show, and learn the benefits of membership.

74. Mastery Coach Exchange: Coaches or someone just looking for a coach will enjoy visiting this Facebook like site. In addition to the groups, forums, and blogs, there is also a special section for becoming a coach.

75. SpeakerSite: This community of professional speakers allows you to browse or even book speakers. Non members can even read the tons of posts on speaking, coaching, career, and more.

76. Be Amazing: This community is based in New Zealand for professionals who are passionate about well being and development. Become a member or view the latest offers and articles.

77. Life Coach Directory: Coaches and clients will find this site useful for its findings and listings. You can read about the featured coach, get free stuff, and more.

Best Audio and Video of Life and Career Coaches

Check out these podcasts and shows to get even more life, career, and relationship advice.

78. Manager Tools: A popular podcast, it gives you the means to become a more effective manager and leader. The latest episodes deal with change of leadership, project managers, and 360 reviews.

79. Internet Business Podcast: This podcast is ideal for those who need coaching in starting an internet business or using it to grow their clients. A recent episode was entitled, “7 Reasons why you Should Start an Internet Business Even in a Recession.”

80. Dan and Jenn: This couple gives their viewers advice on love, sex, and dating with 300 videos to choose from. Playlists include many racy topics and even a few family friendly ones.

81. Lifecoach Leslie: Leslie Gail is a certified life coach who appears regularly on television, radio, and print. Her online radio show gives tips, guidance, advice, and more.

82. The Public Speaker: Lisa B. Marshall offers you quick and dirty tips on improving your own public speaking. You can also get episodes on wedding toasts, speech making, and those pesky non-words.

83. Dr. Jenn’s Den: She is a relationship and intimacy expert who specializes in counseling for education in sexual satisfaction. If you’re up for some X rated coaching, give this podcast a visit.

84. Your Changing Direction: Jen Waller gives many tips on life through audio and the occasional written post. If you enjoy her advice you can order one of her detailed and personalized packages.

85. My Thought Coach Podcast: This podcast contains tools to get the law of attraction to bring you what you want, not what you fear. Recent episodes covered moving and shaking, strength for single parents, and the laws of prosperity.

86. Business Coach Podcast: The Business Plan Coach podcasts on training, leadership, and development. With 74 episodes, you are sure to find something useful.

87. Life Coaching by Mario: Need a laugh from a not too serious life coach? Then visit here for a collection of videos, the first entitled, “Quit Being Such a Fruit!”

Best Tools for Life and Career Coaching

Stop by the below for the best in free and low cost tools for coaches or those seeking help.

88. Free Mind Mapping Software: Freemind is a software that lets you plan out your ideas over the computer without any need for paper. This offer also includes strategy tips and discounts on video tutorials for those that are interested.

89. The Clean Sweep Challenge: This challenge is ideal for those who have clutter, unfinished products, and other nagging issues. Scroll down for more information or click the link to get your free clean sweep toolkit.

90. Mini eCourses: The Freelancer Vacation Clinic gives tips on how to relax before you crash through short weekly emails at no charge. There is even an Accountability Clinic coming up that you can register for.

91. Mine Your Resources: Coach Laurie often offers some services for free and even has a free eCourse entitled, “How to Live an Agile Life.” You can also get dates for her free teleseminars and even send in a question.

92. Small Business Tree eBook: Career coaches Mynde and Wendy offer this free book to uncover important connections between you and your business. You can also get other useful items or read their blog.

93. Compass Life: Join this site to meet online with a coach. The first ten days are free and you can get a monthly action plan.

94. How to Get Clients: Life and career coaches can enter their name and email to get a free guide on getting clients. These three tools promise to cause a rush of clients, to the tune of five to fifteen for the first week.

95. 3 Keys: Enter your name and email to get the free three keys guide for building a thriving coaching business. You will also get a free subscription for a year to weekly tips for coaches.

96. The Virtual Handshake: Download this free 272 page book to help sell, raise capital, invest, and recruit with web 2.0. You can also get other resources on this site to related material.

97. Marian Kerr: Scroll down the page, enter your details, and they will send you a copy of “Make 2009 a Powerful Year” eBook written to encourage and inspire. You can also subscribe to the free newsletter.

98. Toastmasters International: TI is a group of public speakers that live up to their name. In addition to learning the benefits of membership, non members can utilize these resources such as the art of speech craft and help with speaking.

99. The Coaches Console: This online management system was created by coaches to help you cut down on administrative tasks. Get it as a free demo or take a virtual tour of the features.

100. Coach Website Design: Coaches who need help designing a website should consider Kenn Schroder. You can even get a free eBook on attracting clients by subscribing to the newsletter.

Remember that there are no regulations when becoming or hiring a coach, so use caution. For the best in free coaching advice visit these best 100 blogs.


Originally published at www.ekgclasses.org.



Vandana Shah

#Business & #Leadership #Coaching / Group Coaching / keynote Motivational Speaker / #Corporate Training