ThinkCode NYC
2 min readMay 12, 2016

Top Secrets to Choose the Best SEO Company

90% of Internet users search online to find any specific information or to look for any product and service related to an organization. Whatever searches come on the top, they simply open and start looking for the exact data. It simply shows that the importance of SEO.

If you’re a business entrepreneur, then you must be aware of the magic that SEO can do for the benefit of your business. To generate the maximum business leads and drive the attention of the potential audience, your website must be SEO friendly to the Google searches; and for that, you need a team of professionals who put their 100% efforts to take your website on top.

So, how would you choose an SEO service provider? Secrets are disclosed below:

Look at the company’s website.

If the company is passionate about their work, they’ll simply show it. Look at the company’s website and see what efforts they’ve made on it. Does the website convey the same message you want to know? Study the website from close, as it will help you know the potential of an SEO Company you’re planning to hire.

Know their experience and recently completed projects.

Are they in the business from long? Whom they are worked for? It’s important to ensure that you are hiring someone who holds years of experience and has the ability to handle your website easily. By looking at the previous projects they’ve recently completed, you’ll have a clear picture of their work.

Ask about the services.

What SEO services they’re offering to you? What packages you’ve been enrolled to? It’s important to go through their service section to get a detailed view. Don’t hesitate to ask about the list of services that comes with the SEO package.

Check online reviews.

If the company is good at their work, then they’ll surely get appreciation from their clients in various forms, such as online reviews, Video Testimonials etc. So, make sure to look what other people are saying about the organization. Check the online reviews posted by them; and if there nothing posted, asks the company to provide some good referrals.

All-in-all, don’t judge anyone by simply going on their words. Everyone speaks good about their work. Make sure to do your own homework. Keep the above-given points in mind and you’ll never fail to make a smart decision.

ThinkCode NYC

Thinkcodenyc is premium web design, SEO and Online branding Company in New York provides affordable IT Services. Get more info visit us