15 Years of Marriage!I feel incredibly blessed to have found my soulmate early in life. Of course, such luck does come without challenges. Following are some…Nov 7, 2014Nov 7, 2014
Fake Meat and Digital MimicryWhy are vegetarians always trying to emulate the “meat” experience? Why not create an entirely new experience? I recall a visit to a vegan…Oct 10, 2014Oct 10, 2014
Creating a Food ID for Better HealthI have written down this idea in hope that someone will create it ☺Oct 9, 2014Oct 9, 2014
On Being Productive on the InternetA few weeks ago, I read a question on Quora that asked: What are the most productive ways to spend time on the Internet? Oh boy. The amount…Oct 8, 2014Oct 8, 2014