5 Effective Link Building Strategies for Bigcommerce SEO

Think Shaw
3 min readJun 29, 2023

In today’s digital age, search engine optimization (SEO) plays a crucial role in the success of online businesses. Bigcommerce, a popular e-commerce platform, provides entrepreneurs the tools to create and manage their online stores effectively. However, implementing effective link-building strategies is essential to drive traffic and boost visibility on search engines. This blog post will explore five proven link-building strategies specifically tailored for Bigcommerce SEO.

Guest Blogging for Niche-Relevant Backlinks

Guest blogging remains a powerful strategy for building high-quality backlinks. Identify influential blogs and websites that align with your niche or industry. Reach out to their owners or editors to propose guest post ideas that offer valuable insights to their readers. Ensure your content is informative, engaging, and relevant to the target audience. By providing unique and valuable content, you increase the likelihood of other websites linking to your store, boosting your website’s authority and visibility in search engine results.

Creating Compelling Infographics

Infographics are visually appealing and highly shareable content formats. Create informative and visually stunning infographics related to your industry or products. Include statistical data, tips, or step-by-step guides that your target audience can easily understand and share. When distributing these infographics, ensure they contain embedded links to your Bigcommerce SEO store. As people discover and share your infographics on their websites and social media platforms, you gain valuable backlinks that drive referral traffic to your store. Additionally, consider contacting influential bloggers or websites within your industry to feature your infographics, increasing their visibility and generating more backlinks.

Building Relationships through Influencer Marketing

Influencer marketing has become a powerful strategy for building brand awareness and acquiring high-quality backlinks. Identify influential individuals with a strong online presence and engaged followers within your industry or niche. Collaborate with these influencers to create valuable content, such as sponsored blog posts, product reviews, or social media shoutouts incorporating links to your Bigcommerce store. By leveraging their influence, you can tap into their established audience and attract potential customers to your website. Additionally, when influencers share your content, it increases the chances of other websites and bloggers linking to your store, further enhancing your SEO efforts.

Utilizing Online Directories and Business Listings

Online directories and business listings improve your website’s visibility and generate valuable backlinks. Identify reputable directories and listings that cater to your industry or local area. Ensure your business information is accurate and up-to-date, including your website URL. Submit your business to these directories, taking advantage of the opportunity to include a link to your Bigcommerce store. This helps potential customers discover your business and provides search engines with more authoritative sources linking to your website. Additionally, local directories can improve your SEO, allowing you to target customers in specific locations.

Participating in Industry Forums and Online Communities

Engaging in industry-specific forums and online communities can effectively build backlinks and establish your expertise. Identify relevant forums and communities where your target audience actively participates. Join these platforms and contribute valuable insights, answers to questions, and share your knowledge. Ensure your Bigcommerce store’s URL is included in your forum signature or profile. By providing helpful information and establishing yourself as an authoritative figure, you encourage other users to visit your store for more details. Moreover, search engines often index forum threads, giving you additional exposure and potential backlinks. However, remember to engage genuinely and avoid spamming or overly self-promotional tactics, as this can have a negative impact on your reputation.

Wrapping Up

Implementing effective link-building strategies is crucial for improving your visibility and driving organic traffic. You can establish a strong online presence and attract potential customers by leveraging guest blogging, creating compelling infographics, collaborating with influencers, utilizing online directories, and participating in industry forums. Remember, link-building is an ongoing process that requires dedication and consistency. Analyze your results, adapt your strategies, and focus on providing valuable content to maximize the impact of your link-building efforts. Start implementing these strategies today and experience the remarkable growth of your Bigcommerce store with ThinkShaw’s expert guidance and support.

