Fake Friends

6 min readJun 29, 2019


They interact and behave in an intended manner, never really presenting what they actually feel, sometimes materialistic, sometimes just bad people. Destruction is their main goal and this will present itself in different traits of their character.

There will be fake people in all stages of life from your childhood, adolescence and adulthood. We get so much better at reading people for any signals as we get older, especially in our teen years, this also means we aren’t as good at realising who’s “good” and who’s “bad” when we are younger like in primary school. You confide the wrong things with the wrong people and you lose everything.

It’s not as Black and White as having a ‘Fake’ persona with everybody. Like all undermining character traits its a lot more subtle. Most people aren’t intrinsically fake. The truth is someone who is the perfect friend to all the people you know and is also loved by everyone could be specifically fake to you. Not always bullying, (someone doesn’t have to be any intimidating to be fake) although there is a definite overlap somewhere.

People who are fake to you, and by that I mean people who you know hate you or are jealous but act pleasantly in your vicinity, do so because it’s just easier for them to behave like that. It's probably because their hatred for you is unreasoned, maybe an effect of inner jealousy. Or if there is a reason that both parties involved are fully aware of, then it’s just that being ‘fake’ as I said is an easier option because of the dynamics of your social circles. Or even that they enjoy being ‘fake’ because as I said, a fake person, has the sole aim of destruction, remaining on good terms with you, may give them information that they can eventually use against you.

Within the past half century, there’s been a mass of movies that depict fake friends and their antics, actually many sitcoms and books are based around backstabbing, they also show how intricate some of these circumstances are. An apparent best-friend is actually your main tormenter, a bully, friends just ‘yes men’ who from the fear of your criticism don’t argue and just imitate.

All this acting means fake people are very hard to detect, I’ll bet you money you talked to someone this week or month that will do you wrong this year.

When you do find out someone is fake is when something happens in your life, something major enough to make you fall. People who are excelling in life, who are happy, excited and just have stuff going for them are the most likely to attract fake friends, as more people want to see you fall and be part of your demise. When you do fall, all these characters in your life slowly dissipate away leaving you with no one or at least the few friends who’d stayed with you since the beginning, in the times you were a mess and didn’t have stuff going for you. The only people who change their treatment in these times are fake people, so then it becomes obvious. The other thing fake friends can do when you fall, is taunt, as they know for a fact that it hurts you to be in the bad way you are. They taunt and smile, targeting you, making you feel meaningless as if you never deserved to be on top and should remain in your fallen state forever.

Taking what they needed when you had it and then spitting in your face when you don’t have it and are essentially useless for their own personal growth. Yeah, fake friends don’t give anything, they just take.The reason you get better at reading fake friends when you get older is because you fall more often. And you fall badly. I’ve fallen several times and luckily I have close friends that’ve helped me get back up. That’s another thing, real friends literally never agree with you and constantly argue and fight, but they want to see your success, as they don’t distinguish it as your or my success.

‘If you win then I win’

That sort of attitude.

Human relationships have gotten more and more complex as humans became more and more intelligent, with evolution. There’s definitely been an increase in fake people in the past few centuries, so there has to be a deeper global phenomenon taking place. And you know what, I think I know precisely what’s happening. It’s the global inferiority complex, which I recently did a blog on, delving into the matter.

Basically, everyone is really insecure about themselves and how they’re living their lives because mainstream media presents us with so many apparently perfect successful individuals. All of this makes people feel it’s ethical and necessary to become successful (whatever that is), in disgusting ways. No one trusts at a first instance anymore and it’s like a scarily real dystopian plot that’s come true.

We need to accept that perfect, although a commonplace word that makes sense as an idea, doesn’t exist as a physical concept. Nothing is perfect. Nobody is perfect. We are flawed in our ways. All of us.

But I’m going end this blog without targetting fake people as much. I believe that although it is inherently bad to be fake to your “friends”. Sometimes it just happens.

Take this scenario. Two extremely motivated, talented individuals who both believe they’re THE BEST in their own ways. Hypothetically let's imagine that these two are actually incredible people, although I’m starting to think you already hate them, I don’t blame you.

When these two individuals are put together, be it a result of social circles joining up etc, they won’t know how to interact. Suddenly both of them will feel in the same way, insecure that they’ve met someone equal to them in every aspect, whereas all their life, they’ve put been put into a bubble, being seen as the epitome. So their instinctual reaction would be to destroy their counterpart. As they can’t let their fanciful titles be put at jeopardy. If physical violence isn’t an option. And if straight up arguing to try and prove who’s better than the other isn’t an option, as these two are hypothetically equal in every aspect. Manipulation, being fake is the only option.

These two people are real. I’ve seen this exact scenario play out in a book I read recently. But a version of this, I’ve seen with my own eyes in real life.

I’m also not going to end this Blog remaining a hypocrite. I have 100% acted fake to people in my past. But in the past 2, 3 years something has clicked in my character. Some people, like my very self 2, 3 years ago, act fake because they feel security in having a large social circle. They act fake because they don’t want to argue or hurt anyone, in fear of losing their companionship, even if it’s at the detriment of their self worth.

So interestingly enough when I stopped being fake and acted how I wanted to, as I’d always wanted to, in fact, I made more enemies than when I did as someone fake. This is the reality of the matter. You won’t always be liked by everyone, you won’t always be respected by everyone. But respect yourself, respect everyone, speak your truths and you’ll grow to be a happier, fulfilled person.

I know where I’ve come from, you should too.


