Why people are talking so much about IoT? Is IoT really future?

5 min readOct 9, 2018


One of the most common questions that’s frequently asked by a number of users on the internet nowadays is “What is IoT?” So, today we decided to unveil the mystery behind this technical term and let our users know each and every detail they want to know about IoT. So, let us start with a simple definition of Internet of Things here!

IoT or the Internet of Things refers to all those millions of physical devices around the globe that are connected to the internet for sharing and collecting data. With the help of wireless networks and cheap processors, it has now become a child’s play to turn anything, from a needle to an aeroplane, into a part of the IoT. With this level of digital intelligence, we can enhance the capabilities of all those best IoT devices that are otherwise dumb by allowing them to interact without any human involvement, and merging them with the digital world. Simply said, The internet of things can be a complex system of mechanical and digital machines, interrelated computing devices, objects, animals, and humans which are equipped with unique identifiers (UUIDs) and the capability to transfer information over a network without the need of any human-to-computer or human-to-human interaction. A device with the capabilities of internet of things can be classified as a person with a heart monitor implant, an automobile that has built-in sensors to alert the drivers when tire pressure is low, a farm animal with a biochip transponder, or any other object blessed with the capabilities of artificial intelligence and has an IP address and can transfer data over a network.

As per the predictions made by Cisco, by the year 2020, more than 50 billion devices with sensors, including smartphones, or any other smart device like google home, security cameras, and home automation will be connected to the Internet. These devices interact with each other and to human and are known as smart things. The Internet of things applications technology can also be found in various industries including Healthcare, Home & building Management, Transportation, Retail, and Security. Wireless technology plays an integral role in the IoT platforms. We can connect any device to the Internet through a number of wireless technologies including Wi-Fi and Bluetooth. Wi2Wi can connect the world by providing the wireless technology solutions such as Modules and Systems. The Wi2Wi, after a long survey period, can understand the market requirements and provide more ease to the customers by swallowing the entire pain of the integration process. Wi2Wi has segregated the wireless technology solutions into many groups and maintain its products into a number of module families known as “Maximum Performance”, “MCU Embedded”, and “Embedded”.

Artificial intelligence and Machine Learning plays an integral role in IoT applications and deployments. Both acquisitions and investments in start-ups that merge Artificial Intelligence and the Internet of Things have reached to the top over the past two years. Major vendors of IoT technology platform software are now offering integrated Artificial Intelligence capabilities like machine learning-based analytics.

Artificial Intelligence, in this context, is able to quickly wring insights from data. On the other hand, Machine learning, which is an AI technology, possesses the ability to automatically identify the patterns and anomalies in the data which is generated by smart devices and IoT sensors — information including temperature, humidity, pressure, vibration, air quality, and sound. When compared to the traditional business intelligence tools that generally monitor for the numeric thresholds, machine learning approaches are able to make accurate operational predictions and that too up to 20 times earlier.

As The Internet of Things (IoT) has bloomed to become one of the most popular technology buzzwords of the year, the major debate has highlighted to what exactly it is, how to drive value from it, and to how to make it work. IoT will now produce a treasure of enormous data that can help the cities to predict crimes and accidents, give the doctors a real-time insight into the patient’s health status from pacemakers or biochips, enable enhanced productivity across multiple industries through predictive maintenance on machinery and equipment, and generate smart home with connected and sensor-enabled appliances. The possibilities that the Internet of Things can bring to the table are endless.

In this situation, artificial intelligence/machine learning can drastically help IoT connected device to exchange big information within no time and work as per the requirement. Machine learning can help the companies to take billions of data points and boil them down to what’s really important and meaningful. One of the main Internet of things examples that signify the role of machine learning is wearable devices that are helpful in tracking your health. As it is already a burgeoning industry, soon these will come forward to become extra smart devices that are both connected to the internet as well as inter-connected while tracking the patient’s health and providing some real-time updates to a health service. The major goal would be that the doctor will receive notification about the patient’s updated conditions such as their increased heart rate. To be able to select potential problems, the data analytics will require to analyze in terms of what’s normal and what’s not so that the doctors can quickly identify the similarities, abnormalities, and correlations on the basis of real-time streams of big data.

Data Analytics has an important role in the growth and development of IoT applications and investments. Analytics tools allow the businesses to make effective use of their datasets, as explained in the points listed below.

Volume: There is excessive data that are used by IoT applications. The business organizations are required to manage these clusters of data and analyse them for extracting relevant patterns. These datasets along with other real-time data can be analyzed easily with the data analytics software.

Structure: IoT applications have data sets that have a complex, unstructured, semi-structured and structured pattern. There can also be an important difference between the data formats and types. Data analytics allows the business executive to analyze all the varying sets of data with the help of automated tools and software.

As the price of IoT sensors and IoT projects and communications continue to drop, it has become significantly cost-effective to add more and more devices to the IoT even if it delivers little benefits to the consumers. As these connected devices continue to rise, soon we will enter into a world which is brimmed with smart products/things — assuming that we are willing to accept the privacy and security trade-offs. Many of us will now welcome the new era of smart things and others will pine for those days when a table was simply a table.




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