5 Reasons Why Kids Hate Maths:

ThirdLeap Math
4 min readMar 20, 2019


“Let’s kill this person who invented Maths”

From a total geek to the forever absent student, every kid has quoted this at least once during his existence, ever since his introduction to knowledge. Mathematics sure is a subject that scares kids more than ghosts. But come to think of it, not only do kids but we as parents also went through this living nightmare until we reasoned with it.

We never really understood why we hated maths so consistently in the first place since they were many more subjects doing the exact same frustrating job like Physics, Chemistry.

Maybe, they’re experiments, and practical classes saved them. After a thorough Observation we, the ThirdLeap team found out a few ridiculously On — Point Facts on Why Kids Hate Maths and thought to bring an end to this with our Personal Pocket Teacher AppThird Leap Math to save you from being the villains and the kids from the embarrassment and pressure. The facts were :

1. Ratta Maar / Butti — fy(maar) / Manupada Makal/ By Heart/ By rote:

Nine eight za???? What’s Pythagoras Theorem? blank for a moment? Think about this, if you yourself don’t remember this how do think the kids will? They can’t really understand the logic behind how 9*8 = 72 when you tell them to memorize it. As we know children are curious minds and if you don’t satisfy their curiosity all you get to see is an F grade in the marks sheet.

2. Lack of Attention from the Teachers:

Posh Infrastructure, Gullible Atmosphere, and Friendly Teachers are what we look for when we search for schools for our children. But let’s face it, each class has a minimum of 60 students and expecting a teacher’s personal attention on each student is nearly impossible. Hence leading to a slow learner and fast learner comparisons and the end result? again an F grade.

3. A2+B2 =?? Excuse me what?

As if getting used to tables, proportions, ratio wasn’t hard enough that linear equations, statistics, and theorems entered the nightmare. Ask the teacher a doubt and you end up with a reply “What were you doing when I was teaching?” Poor souls, they end up confused and frustrated and we, as a parent end up being worried and push them to take tuitions.

4. Tuitions? Yes, please!

Being worried about your child is common and we understand but them landing up in tuitions is just another informal school where the only difference is, instead of 60 kids, they’re 12 kids and these faculties manage to give your kids some attention, which the children wouldn’t prefer. Why you ask? It’s because friends become competitors and competitors become the reason for comparison and this leads to pressure on their young creative minds.

5. Tension! Tension! Tension!

“How come Nishi scored 87 while you got only 53? you both go to the same tuitions right?”

This question begins haunting a kid as soon as they see their friends scoring more. The pressure we parents put on them affects them mentally and this makes them way more blank than they already are! Think about it, we all at one point of our life have faced this and the hating of the subject makes sense.



ThirdLeap Math

“it’s okay you don’t understand math, we are here to make it simple for you”