The aftermath of Dragons’ Den

3 min readSep 19, 2017


What’s been really crazy is the amount of responses we’ve had from people saying that the product would be good in the medical/healthcare sector and it is something that we are taking very seriously now and looking into.

The immediate aftermath, Sunday night, we had a few people on Twitter and we were just responding to all the tweets that we received. I think that’s what you have to do, you need to be live if you’re going to be on the show. It allows you to control the narrative, it allows you to bury the bad or negative tweets with the good tweets, you can pick out the right information from people’s reactions, it allows you to direct people to your website to get more sales. You need to take control and we did it well. We’ve also used content from the show brilliantly this week, engaging with people and letting people know that thirsti IS open for business, despite not getting investment and the negative criticisms.

In general, it’s been a crazy few days, loads of emails, loads of messages, I’ve been quite surprised by the amount of interest that we’ve had from people. It doesn’t really change anything, in the sense that it helps your product get attention, it’s a good initial boost for sales. I’m not sure whether it’s a spike or whether it’s a kick start to an engine and the reason I’m saying that is because everyone is raving about you for a couple of days, which is great, but after that’s over, it’s up to you how you use that. It’s not like you’re going to be on the show and sell a million units, lets be realistic here!

It’s great being able to have the name Dragons’ Den on your product, but you spend so much time focusing and preparing for the Den and the release of the episode, it ends up becoming quite the distraction. What comes next after the show? What’s next for the company? You can become so focused on dealing with Dragons’ Den, you think ‘Oh God, how do we actually move forward from this point?’, luckily, we’ve got quite a dynamic team and we’re quite adaptable. I would just say that it is important to keep focus on what comes next, it’s difficult to know what the aftermath is like because we don’t know the full extent, as of yet.

All we know in this immediate aftermath is the amazing response we had from the public, we know that people want this type of product and there are particular cases in which the puck could be utilised. Now is the time to exploit these opportunities as best we can, I wonder whether in a couple of weeks time, when we start talks with retailers, how big of a difference it will make ‘as seen on Dragons’ Den’ will have for the company. That will be REALLY interesting for us. I look forward to that and I do believe that my appearance on Dragons’ Den will do the business wonders!




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