3 min readOct 18, 2023

Borobudur Temple The Sailendra dynasty built this Largest Buddhist monument in the world between AD 780 and 840. The Sailendra are the ruling dynasty in Central Java at the time. It was built as a place for glorifying Buddha and a pilgrimage spot to guide mankind from worldly desires into enlightenment and wisdom according to Buddha. This monument was discovered by the British in 1814 under Sir Thomas Stanford Raffles, it was until 1835 that the entire area of the borobudur temple has been cleared. Borobudur temple built in the style of Mandala which symbolizes the universe in Buddhist teaching. This structure significantly is square shaped with four entry point and a circular center point. Working from the exterior to the interior, three zones of consciousness are represented, with the central sphere representing unconsciousness or Nirvana. Whereas evidence suggests that Borobudur was constructed in the 9th century and subsequently abandoned following the 14th-century decline of Hindu kingdoms in Java and the Javanese conversion to Islam. read trip th article yogyakarta temple tour Worldwide knowledge of its existence Borobudur Temple was sparked in 1814 by Sir Thomas Stamford Raffles, then the British ruler of Java, who was advised of its location by native Indonesians.

Borobudur Temple The Sailendra dynasty built this Largest Buddhist monument in the world between AD 780 and 840. The Sailendra are the ruling dynasty in Central Java at the time.

It was built as a place for glorifying Buddha and a pilgrimage spot to guide mankind from worldly desires into enlightenment and wisdom according to Buddha.

This monument was discovered by the British in 1814 under Sir Thomas Stanford Raffles, it was until 1835 that the entire area of the borobudur temple has been cleared.

Borobudur Temple unquestionably has since been preserved through several restorations. The largest restoration project was undertaken between 1975 and 1982 by the Indonesian government and UNESCO, followed by the monument’s listing as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Kamadhatu on Borobudur Temple

Borobudur’s hidden Kamadhatu level consists of 160 reliefs depicting scenes of Karmawibhangga Sutra, basically the law of cause and effect. Basically the human behavior of desire, the reliefs depict robbing, killing, rape, torture and defamation. A corner of the covering base has been permanently removed to allow visitors to see the hidden foot, and some of the reliefs. Photography of the entire collection of 160 reliefs is displayed at the Borobudur Museum which is within the Borobudur.

Rapudatu The Borobudur Archaeological Park.

The four square levels of Rapadhatu contain galleries of carved stone reliefs, as well as a chain of niches containing statues of Buddha. In total there are 328 Buddha on these balustrade levels which also have a great deal of purely ornate reliefs.

The Sanskrit manuscripts that are depicted on this level over 1 300 reliefs are Gandhawyuha, Lalitawistara, Jataka and Awadana. They stretch for 2.5km. In addition there are 1 212 decorative panels.


The three circular terraces leading to a central dome or stupa represent the rising above the world, and these terraces are a great deal less ornate, the purity of form is paramount.

read next Borobudur Temple in Java Indonesia.

Also the terraces contain circles of perforated stupas, an inverted bell shape, containing sculptures of Buddha, who face outward from the temple. There are 72 of these stupas in total. The impressive central stupa is currently not as high as the original version, which rose 42m.

Unlike the stupas surrounding it, the central stupa is empty and conflicting reports suggest that the central void contained relics, and other reports suggest it has always been empty.

The Borobudur Temple Corridors

Selain pemugaran pada awal abad ke-20, ditemukan dua candi kecil di kawasan tersebut, bernama Pawon dan Mendut, yang posisinya sejajar dengan Candi Borobudur .

Dipercaya bahwa terdapat hubungan keagamaan timbal balik antara ketiga candi tersebut, meskipun proses ritual pastinya masih menjadi misteri. Pasalnya ketiga pura tersebut digunakan sebagai jalur Festival Hari Waisak.

Festival ini memperingati kelahiran, pencerahan dan kematian Buddha Gautama.

sumber :

Read Next Borobudur Temple Yogyakarta Indonesia




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