Thirty Six Labs Pvt. Ltd.
2 min readSep 30, 2015


Didn’t your blood boil watching the peacefully protesting students being mercilessly beaten?

Weren’t you moved, knowing about the hunger strike called on by the students of AIIMS to protest against the reservations and quotas?

Welcome to the country called India, where Indian Government raises the reservation in public institutions for OBC/ SC/ ST to 50%.

Caste based reservation prevails in India even after 68 years of independence. This form of reservation is looked upon as positive discrimination. The makers of our constitution included it to protect those who were underprivileged for ages. But in modern India, majority of the citizens look at it as an unfair advantage given to people, belonging to certain communities.

Reservation, was a form of compensation to the backward communities, for being exploited in the past.Unfortunately, exploitation cannot be measured. Caste based reservations have called for several protests, but still, the youth today has to face its consequences.

The founding fathers had never intended Reservations to be a temporary phenomenon, reservations to the unprivileged were to be extended until they were uplifted socially and stabilized economically.Yet various governments till now have failed to truly uplift the backward sections of the society and failed to provide them with equal opportunities even after 60 years of independence.

In reality, reservations has failed in all fronts. Not only has it failed to bring the desired aim of bringing the nonprivileged classes into mainstream, it has marginalized them all the more and deepened the caste system even more. Moreover, reservation is now used not as an effective means of eliminating discrimination but as a vile instrument of increasing the vote-bank.

The present decision of the government regarding the reservation policy has angered the youth because it triggers the development of one section of the society while pushing the other into oblivion. Moreover, as the supreme court has put a stay on the implementation, the controversy has deepened. The country seems to be divided into two bipolar thought streams- one supporting reservations and another dead against it.

Which thought stream do you belong to?

Does a developing country like India still require “reservations”? or is it just another biased way for people belonging to backward communities at a point to still use its fruits and step higher?

Think about it!

Susmita Saha



Thirty Six Labs Pvt. Ltd.

Thirty Six Labs Pvt. Ltd. leading Product development and IT outsourcing company that offers software development services