Bertelsmann Data Science Scholarship Udacity — Women’s Book

thirumalaidevi ramya
3 min readJul 21, 2018


Hi all , I am Thirumalai devi ramya .I decided to get involved in Data science Scholarship after I found a post made by one of my friend Sai Gokula Krishnan in Udacity Discussion forum of Google India Challenge Scholarship

Post link :

Actually I was an ultimate newbie to Data science. So I decided to head forth to look into data science and to Know why it is so fascinating.

What are the struggles that I faced? The struggles that I faced was lack of time. I also want to focus on Android Basics Nanodegree , so it was a difficult task for me to manage it. But I overcame it by stopping procrastination and sticking to my goals. Procrastination was the middle thing that stood between me and my goals. But as soon as I began to realize that I had to focus on my career I began to strictly follow my goals.

Your Sacrifices? No hangouts ⛅️, Forgot to watch movies 🎬 and so on. But I don’t think so they are huge sacrifices 🤔

Your experience?My experience in this track was awesome . I met so many dabbling stars in this Bertelsmann Data science track.I wanna always thank Divya Thakur, Suparna Paul , Jéssica Happatsch and Abhipsa Mishra. They were all so kind.The determination they hold to complete a task is always encouraging and motivating. They also motivated me towards my goal in this journey. I found so many external resources shared in the #resources channel that could develop the skills needed to be a dabbling star in Data science. I have bookmarked 📑 all those resources and hope to dive into them during my leisure . Learning in an international community is a complete new experience to me. The student experience lead maintained the community in a well organized manner 👏 . There were lots of activities held in different channels and they were all so fun to take part in them . Live-webinars on Data science were also held and it was so fascinating to hear from them . If you wanna take a look into them just click the link below :

I have explained my experiences in detail in another blog . Please take a look into it :

Your achievements?Learned python and sql in this course. I also recalled all the formulas in statistics that I learnt already. The most beautiful achievement I was so proud is , I stopped Procrastinating. It actually taught me what I could achieve with complete focus and determination. Thanks to Udacity 🎉

Tools that used which helped you during the course? I got to know about various tools . I used , I also referred to notes of so many friends during this course. The notes are very helpful 👍 and thanks for that :)

Any advice for women? Some of my favorite quotes that I stick to my mind is :

Source: Internet
Source: Internet

Thank you fellas for spending your precious time to read my blog 😁



thirumalaidevi ramya

Magic happens when you do not give up,eventhough you want to! The universe always falls in love with the stubborn heart :)