Announcing This.JavaScript — State of Browsers

This Dot Media
1 min readApr 23, 2019


This.JavaScript — State of Browsers will be streaming live on May 14th, 2019 @ 9am PDT/12pm EST. This is a free, online event and open to the public!

Watch this State of JavaScript, and keep up with the advancement of browser standards, new releases, and upcoming features, recent milestones, and community initiatives.

Join us as team members from Brave, Beaker, Google, Edge/Microsoft, & Igalia give updates and the latest about tips and tools. The live stream will also have open Q&A enabled, so anyone joining can ask questions and be a part of the conversation.

Our speakers include:

  • Aaron Gustafson — Web Standards Advocate, Edge @ Microsoft
  • Stephanie Drescher — Program Manager, Edge @ Microsoft
  • Paul Frazee — Project Lead, Beaker Browser
  • Brian Kardell — Developer Advocate, Igalia
  • Rijubrata Bhaumik — Software Engineer, Intel
  • Jonathan Sampson — Developer Relations, Brave
  • Paul Kinlan — Sr. Developer Advocate, Google
  • Tracy Lee — Founder of This Dot, GDE, MSFT MVP

Register here for the livestream on May 14th!

This event is sponsored by This Dot Labs, a framework-agnostic JavaScript consultancy focused on changing the ratio in tech.



This Dot Media

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