Announcing This.Javascript: State of Mobile

This Dot Media
1 min readAug 3, 2018

Mobile development and JavaScript development are becoming synonymous with each other more every day.

We are announcing our first This.Javascript: State of Mobile officially launching on Tuesday August 21st at 9am PDT.

This is a free, online event open to all developers.

Join to keep up with the latest advances, updates and topics from prominent technologies like NativeScript, Ionic, PWA, React Native, and Cordova.

Each presenter will be giving a 5 minute update on their technology and live Q&A will be available for anyone to join the conversation.

This event will be hosted by Tracy Lee (This Dot Labs) and Nathan Walker (nStudio).

Featured speakers & technologies include:

  • Ionic — Mike Hartington, Developer advocate
  • PWA — Aditya Punjani, Front end engineer
  • NativeScript — Jen Looper, Developer Relations
  • React Native — Parashuram Narasimhan, Senior Program manager
  • Cordova — Jesse MacFadyen, Developer Adobe PhoneGap

Register here to see the event details, register for the livestream, and we hope to see you on August 21!

This event is sponsored by nStudio and This Dot Labs.



This Dot Media

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