How Music Prodigy William Sanders Founded

3 min readJul 20, 2023


William Sanders

Imagine a world where Autonomous AI solutions automate our business tasks, freeing us from routine chores and propelling productivity into overdrive. A vision like this is no longer the stuff of science fiction, thanks to team and William Sanders, the founder and CEO.

The Spark of an Idea

The story began when William, a coding enthusiast and a relentless innovator, was exploring Autonomous AI solutions. As he tinkered with AutoGPT, a neural network project developed using OpenAI ChatGPT, he identified a potential gap in the market — a tool for automating tasks such as saving files, writing files, and browsing the internet autonomusly. This revelation was the kernel of a concept that soon blossomed into a full-blown startup.

That’s when Joshua Welch, an experienced tech wizard, came into the picture as the co-founder and CTO. Not long after, Andre Perez, a savvy operator with an instinct for business, joined as the co-founder and COO. Together, they formed a dynamic trio. Their brainchild,, revolutionized the industry by creating an AI persona marketplace — a playground for prompt engineers and enthusiasts alike.

Gearing up for Growth

Now, William and the Thisera team are preparing for their first funding round. They aim to raise $250,000 from venture capitalists and angel investors. The stakes are high, but so is their resolve.

“Being my first time as a tech founder, I am excited and nervous,” says William. “I want to make the shareholders proud and build a unicorn that Silicon Valley can be proud of.” — William Sanders is eyeing a seed round, where they plan to offer 10% equity for the targeted $250,000 valued at $2.5 Million dollars.

From Stage to Startup

William’s journey is not the typical tech-founder narrative. He grew up in the music industry, working alongside major recording artists such as Fantasia, Justin Bieber, Usher, and many others. In this eclectic world, he became a music industry guru.

But William also had another side. He began coding websites and dabbling in basic programming in high school. Over the years, his interest in technology matured, leading him to delve deeper into JavaScript. To hone his skills further, he took online courses in various languages such as C and Python, as well as systems administration. He also developed a profound understanding of smart contracts and crypto programming.

A Concerto of Technology

Despite his impressive musical career, William’s technical prowess is no less remarkable. The harmonious blend of these two distinct disciplines makes him an exceptional founder in a competitive space. His blend of creativity, technical acumen, and relentless dedication is a melody that’s rare to find. is not just about technology for William. It’s a symphony he’s conducting, with every line of code and strategic decision as notes in a grand composition. It’s a platform where the rhythm of AI and the harmony of persona converge to create a tool beneficial for businesses and individuals alike.

As the team gears up for the upcoming funding round, they are filled with anticipation and excitement. With a clear vision and steadfast determination, William and his team are eager to serve their community and make Thisera’s persona “Conversations” the go-to tool for everyone.’s debut is a testament to the power of dreams, the beauty of innovation, and the infinite potential of technology. The journey has just begun, and the world waits with bated breath for the next movement in William Sanders’ tech symphony.

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Our groundbreaking platform allows you to engage in stimulating dialogues with a wide range of AI personas.