WHARR Salutes the Passage of the Reproductive Health Act in New York State


On the 46th anniversary of the Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision legalizing abortion in the United States, WHARR (Women’s Health And Reproductive Rights) is overjoyed to join with RHAVote, NIRH, NLIRH, PPNYC, Downtown Women for Change, Indivisible Nation BK, NCJWNY, along with many other groups and individuals in celebrating today’s passage of the Reproductive Health Act (RHA) and Comprehensive Contraception Coverage Act (CCCA).

Codifying Roe v. Wade in New York State via the Reproductive Health Act was one of the primary goals WHARR set for ourselves upon our founding, and we have worked tirelessly to achieve it. From our weekly “Lunch at Cuomo’s” protests, our lobbying visits to our elected officials in Albany and NYC, our work to replace anti-choice legislators, and our fundraising efforts to support our allies, we were absolutely determined to see it succeed.

The RHA, introduced nearly a decade ago, has repeatedly passed in the State Assembly, but failed to win Senate confirmation until today. Championed by Senators Liz Kreuger and Andrea Stewart-Cousins as well as Assembly Member Deborah Glick, RHA decriminalizes abortion, protects the rights of New Yorkers regardless of what happens at the federal level, and modernizes reproductive health law in New York.

“We’re so thrilled to be able to finally celebrate this historic day in protecting the reproductive rights of New Yorkers,” said Lily Nathan, one of WHARR’s co-chairs, “yet our fight is far from over. Maternal mortality, comprehensive sex education, and crisis pregnancy centers masquerading as health clinics are just some of the New York-based issues we’re working on, and we’ll support sister activist groups in other states facing unconstitutional, unfair, and restrictive abortion laws. WHARR will also support work to ensure that the RHA and CCCA are fully and equitably implemented.”

Hello, Governor Cuomo? Time to sign the #RHA into law!


Grassroots organized and Brooklyn-based, we believe that controlling one’s own bodily autonomy is a fundamental right. We promote gender equity, women’s health, reproductive rights, and social justice; and we work to elect progressive, pro-choice candidates. We’re a working group of #GetOrganizedBK, and we welcome new members committed to our cause.



BKForge: Brooklyn for Reproductive & Gender Equity

Envisioning NYC + State with fully realized health equity + gender justice, and advancing repro health + gender equity through advocacy, action, & collaboration