Do these 2 simple things to prepare for a recession!

Winter is coming…

3 min readJun 10, 2022


Recession, state of the world economy, stock market crash, stocks, business
Image by Gino Crescoli from Pixabay

Recession is right around the corner and 90% of the world isn’t ready for it. By anticipating and being prepared for an upcoming market crash and a recession, you give yourself a unique advantage.

And listen, I’m not the only one that thinks recession is inevitable.

Here’s what Elon Musk had to say about the matter:

Elon Musk on Twitter

And just incase you’re not a fan of the mercurial genius in Elon Musk, here’s what the legendary financier Carl Icahn had to say about recession recently:

Yun Li, CNBC

But the aim of this article isn’t to scare you, or to force you to believe that recession is inevitable. The aim here is to provide you with the tools you’ll need to make millions IF we do find ourselves in a recession.

So let’s get started!

Cash is King

One of the best things to do right now is to start building cash.

If you’re invested in stocks or crypto, consider taking some chips off the table.

To profit from a recession, you should have cash ready for deployment when the stock and crypto markets crash.

In my estimation, these markets will likely crash by another 40 to 50%, once recession is officially declared by the government.

That’s right…

If you think stocks and crypto are cheap right now, then think again because things WILL get a lot worse.

But here’s the good news after every major recession there is a great economic expansion. This is when you’ll make your millions IF you have the cash in hand to invest in the right companies!

Here are some statistics on these economic expansion cycles:

1- After WW2– 81 months of economic expansion

2- After Vietnam war — 108 months of economic expansion

3- After the cold war — 93 months of economic expansion

4- Tech bubble — 112 months of economic expansion

You’ll be able to buy assets at massive discounts during recession(if you have cash) and then, you’ll be able to reap the rewards during the expansion cycle thereafter.

Stocks and crypto’s will be down 70 or 80 percent from their all time highs and this will present a once in a lifetime opportunity for those who have cash available.

You will ONLY be able to capitalise on these economic expansions if you have cash ready for deployment.

So start building cash now.

Avoid Investing in Real Estate!

The second most important thing you can do to avoid taking a hit during a recession is to avoid investing in real estate. Do not buy a property UNLESS you plan on living in it yourself for a period longer than 5 years.

This is because real estate prices will fall. There are already signs that the property market is cooling off. So hold off making any major real estate deals because you’ll get much better offers during recession.

Always remember this simple formula:

Buy low, Sell High.




Former pharmacologist turned banker and now a serial entrepreneur. Contact me on: