How I conquered my anxiety

2 min readFeb 20, 2022

Win small battles

Anxiety is a relatively new experience for me, and it isn’t pleasant one. I wasn’t always anxious and I still don’t know what triggered my first panic attack.

Perhaps one day I’ll find the courage to talk to a therapist. But today, I’m going to try and find solace in writing and hopefully connect with some of you who are experiencing anxiety for the fist time.

What I’ve found is that anxiety is incredibly sneaky. It creeps up on you unexpectedly and if you don’t do anything to control it, it will control you and every aspect of your life.

Unfortunately for a period of time I gave into my anxiety. The first thing I noticed was that I was anxious before team meetings.

So what did I do?

I stopped attending team meetings…

Big Mistake.

Because I surrendered to my anxiety once, I started feeling anxious about other things. My anxiety grew because I was validating it. A few months after I stopped attending team meetings, I started having mini panic attacks before going into lifts. This then morphed into anxious feelings about sitting at the back of the car.

All confined spaces were off limits!




Former pharmacologist turned banker and now a serial entrepreneur. Contact me on: