Hi, I'm Audrey — a designer, data-lover and communicator of sustainability topics at @thisisaudsomee 🐶 I also love dogs. 😼 And cats.

Over here, I write about sustainability, design, A.I. and the craziness of life, in a lot more words than I usually do on Instagram.

I care about the well-being of communities and our natural world. For the past 5 years, I've used my skills to tell stories that educate and inspire action for a better world. More recently, I've started to organise initiatives that encourage circularity and community-building.

Learn more about what I do here.

Now, less about what I do.

After a decade in the creative industry, I'm taking a career break, figuring life out 6736 miles from home. When I write about it, it'll be linked 👉🏻 here.

You're welcome to stay.

Audrey Yang

Audrey Yang

I write about sustainability, design, A.I. and life in general. Follow me here or on IG @thisisaudsomee