Let’s Explore Kubernetes

Kubernetes + Gitlab + Continuous Integration & Deployment

11 min readFeb 4, 2019

I’m going to walk through my experience of setting up a new Kubernetes cluster (or k8s for short) with DigitalOcean, configuring my Gitlab project to use the k8s cluster, and configuring a CI/CD process for deployments. Keep on reading if you would like to see how simple it is to get a modern stack up and running.

Building a Kubernetes Cluster

Kubernetes is a container orchestration platform gaining lots of popularity due to its simplicity. Kubernetes is great as you can define your deployment configuration, storage, and network using config files and the cluster will ensure your application is always running in that configuration.

Building a k8s cluster from source is a daunting task, however we can do this with a few clicks from the big cloud providers. I personally prefer the simplicity of DigitalOcean, and am lucky enough to be a part of the LTD release of their managed Kubernetes offering.

Let’s dive in to how to create a cluster on DigitalOcean.

Once you click on the create Kubernetes option, either via the side nav or the dropdown in the top nav, you are presented with this screen.

