Reinforcement Learning with Human Feedback in LLMs: A Comprehensive Guide

5 min readJan 11, 2024



Large Language Models (LLMs) are everywhere these days, helping us process and understand natural language. They have the potential to change the game in various industries and make human-computer interactions even better. However, we need to make sure they align with human values and generate reliable and diverse outputs. To achieve this, we use Reinforcement Learning with Human Feedback (RLHF) to train LLMs and incorporate human preferences. This technique is crucial to improving their safety and helpfulness.

In this guide, we’ll take a deep dive into an important process called RLHF and its role in developing modern LLMs. We’ll walk through the steps involved in RLHF, compare how it’s used in popular models like ChatGPT and Llama 2, and talk about the alternatives and limitations of RLHF. By the end of this guide, you’ll have a clear understanding of how RLHF helps create language models that are better aligned with human intentions.

Let’s get started!

Table of Contents

  • What is Reinforcement Learning with Human Feedback (RLHF)?
  • The Importance of RLHF in LLM Training
  • The LLM Training Pipeline
  • Limitations and Challenges of RLHF
  • Future Directions and Ongoing Research
  • Conclusion

What is Reinforcement Learning with Human Feedback (RLHF)?

Reinforcement Learning with Human Feedback (RLHF) is a technique used to train LLMs by taking into account feedback from real people like you and me. The idea is to make LLMs more in line with human values and generate better outputs that people will like and trust.

Use Case

Llama 2, developed by Meta AI, goes through a similar supervised finetuning step as ChatGPT, but it has some differences in its RLHF process. Instead of just one reward model, Llama 2 has two that focus on helpfulness and safety. These scores are combined to create a final reward function for optimizing the model. Llama 2 also uses a technique called rejection sampling, which picks responses with higher reward scores during the optimization process.


The Importance of RLHF in LLM Training

RLHF is super important in training LLMs. It’s all about getting feedback and preferences from humans to make sure the models are generating outputs that are reliable and desirable. This makes them way more useful and safe.

For instance, let’s say you’re using a language model to generate product descriptions for your e-commerce website. Without RLHF, the model might generate descriptions that are inaccurate or not appealing to your target audience. However, if you use human feedback through RLHF, the model will learn to generate more accurate and compelling descriptions, which will increase the chances of customers purchasing your products. This is just one example of how RLHF can make a big difference in real-world applications.

The LLM Training Pipeline

it’s important to know the basics of how modern LLMs are trained. Most models, like ChatGPT and Llama 2, go through three main steps: pretraining, supervised finetuning, and alignment. This process helps them learn and improve so they can better assist us.

Pretraining: Absorbing Knowledge from Unlabeled Text Datasets

In the pretraining phase, LLMs learn from huge amounts of unlabeled text data. They are essentially trained to predict the next word or token in a given text. This training method is called next-word prediction, and it’s a type of self-supervised learning that lets LLMs use massive datasets without the need for manual labeling. After this initial phase, the models are further trained to improve their accuracy and align better with human preferences.

Supervised Finetuning: Refining Models with Instruction-Output Pairs

Supervised finetuning involves training the pretraine models on instruction-output pairs. A human or another high-quality LLM writes the desired output given a specific instruction. For example, finetuning for a model to generate product descriptions. A human writes a product description for a specific item, and the model learns to generate similar descriptions for other items. By using a smaller dataset of product-description pairs, the model can learn to generate descriptions that are informative and engaging.

Alignment: Human Preferences with RLHF

Once we’ve trained our models, we fine-tune them to make them even better. Next, we use something called RLHF to align the models with what people like and want. RLHF gives scores to different model responses based on human rankings. We then fine-tune the models using a process called proximal policy optimization (PPO). This helps us make sure that the models are as helpful and safe as possible. We keep iterating this process until we’re sure that our models are the best they can be.

Limitations and Challenges of RLHF

While RLHF can be a great way to improve models, it does come with its own set of limitations and challenges. One of the main issues is that creating high-quality instruction-output pairs for supervised finetuning can be time-consuming and require a lot of effort. This means that human experts or high-quality LLMs are needed to generate the desired outputs. Another challenge is that RLHF can lead to a reduction in output diversity, which means that models may generate responses that are less varied or creative. It’s important to balance generalization and diversity when using RLHF, and this can be a tricky challenge to address.

Future Directions and Ongoing Research

The field of RLHF and LLMs is always changing, with researchers working hard to find ways to make these techniques work better and faster. They’re looking into a bunch of different things, like:

  • Developing more efficient alternatives to RLHF
  • Exploring other reinforcement learning techniques for LLM training
  • Enhancing the balance between generalization and diversity in model responses
  • Alternative modeling techniques such as Direct preferred Optimisation (DPO).

These future directions aim to address the limitations of RLHF and further improve the training of LLMs.


Reinforcement Learning with Human Feedback (RLHF) is a vital technique in the training pipeline of modern Large Language Models (LLMs). By By using human feedback, RLHF enhances the models’ accuracy, safety, and alignment with human values. It allows LLMs to generate more reliable and desirable outputs while adhering to specific instructions.

RLHF plays a crucial role in developing LLMs that are genuinely valuable and aligned with human intentions, paving the way for safer and more trustworthy AI systems.

That’s a wrap!
We hope that this article has helped you understand the importance of RLHF in modern AI language models. I encourage you to explore more about this field of research in shaping a better future for all of us.

