MPI Tutorial for Machine Learning (Part 3/3)

Thiwanka Chameera Jayasiri
4 min readJul 16, 2023


  1. Handling Exceptions and Debugging MPI Programs
  2. Profiling and Optimizing MPI Programs
  3. Integrating MPI with Machine Learning Libraries like TensorFlow or PyTorch

1. Handling Exceptions and Debugging MPI Programs

In MPI programs, unhandled exceptions in any of the processes can lead to deadlocks. We need to ensure that exceptions are properly caught and handled to avoid this.

Here’s an example of how you can handle exceptions in an MPI program:

from mpi4py import MPI

def risky_operation(rank):
if rank == 1:
raise Exception(f"An error occurred in process {rank}")

def main():
rank = comm.Get_rank()

except Exception as e:

if __name__ == "__main__":

In this program, process 1 raises an exception. We catch the exception and call comm.Abort() to terminate all processes.

For debugging MPI programs, one approach is to use print statements to trace the program’s execution. You can also use Python’s built-in debugger, pdb, or other tools that support MPI, such as TotalView or DDT.

2. Profiling and Optimizing MPI Programs

Profiling is crucial for identifying bottlenecks and optimizing the performance of MPI programs. Python has several libraries for profiling, like cProfile or line_profiler, but using them in MPI programs can be tricky due to the parallel execution.

One solution is to profile each process separately. Here’s an example using cProfile:

import cProfile
from mpi4py import MPI

def main():
# ... your code here ...

if __name__ == "__main__":
rank = comm.Get_rank()

profiler = cProfile.Profile()



This will create a separate profile output file for each process. You can visualize these profiles using a tool like SnakeViz.

Optimizing MPI programs usually involves overlapping communication and computation, balancing load between processes, and minimizing communication overhead. These advanced techniques require a deep understanding of MPI and your specific program and problem domain.

3. Integrating MPI with PyTorch

We’ve already discussed integrating MPI with TensorFlow in the previous part of this tutorial. Now let’s look at PyTorch.

PyTorch provides the torch.distributed package that supports different backends for distributed computing, including MPI. However, as of my knowledge cutoff in September 2021, the PyTorch team recommends using the NCCL and Gloo backends for most use cases, and the MPI backend is limited in comparison.

If you still want to use MPI with PyTorch, you can. First, you’ll need to build PyTorch from the source with MPI support enabled. Then you can use torch.distributed with the MPI backend:

import torch.distributed as dist
from mpi4py import MPI

def main():
# Initialize the distributed environment

# ... your code here ...

if __name__ == "__main__":

In your code, you can use functions like dist.send, dist.recv, dist.broadcast, etc., similar to the ones in mpi4py.

However, torch.distributed The MPI backend does not support CUDA tensors or other features available in the NCCL and Gloo backends. You should consult the latest PyTorch documentation and community resources for updates and best practices.

That concludes our advanced tutorial on MPI for Machine Learning. We’ve covered handling exceptions, debugging, profiling, optimizing, and integrating MPI with popular machine-learning libraries. These topics are advanced and broad, and we’ve only scratched the surface. I encourage you to dive deeper into each of them to fully leverage the power of MPI in your Machine Learning projects.

Additional Information

Gloo is a collective communications library, which means it’s designed to perform data aggregation operations, such as summations, averages, or finding min/max, across multiple machines. It was developed by Facebook and is optimized for training machine learning models where these operations are frequently used.

Gloo is one of the backends for PyTorch’s distributed package `torch.distributed`, alongside NCCL (NVIDIA’s Collective Communications Library) and MPI (Message Passing Interface).

While NCCL is intended to be used with NVIDIA GPUs, and MPI is often used in multi-node setups (for example, in supercomputing environments), Gloo is a more general-purpose backend. It can be used for CPU and GPU collective operations and works well in single-node and multi-node setups.

The Gloo backend aims to provide a high-performance, reliable, and flexible way to perform collective operations. It aims to handle many issues that arise when performing computations across multiple machines, such as dealing with machine failures.

While it does not offer as wide a range of functionality as MPI, it is easier to use and integrates well with PyTorch. This makes it a good choice for distributed machine-learning tasks where the complexity and power of MPI are not required.

Please note that while Gloo is a part of PyTorch’s core, you can also use it as a standalone library if your use case demands it. Also, while the Gloo backend supports both CPUs and GPUs for GPU-based computations, the NCCL backend is often a better choice due to its closer integration with CUDA.

