Writing Resources

Writer’s Market Online Died and No One Noticed

The most well-known online database of publications appears to be gone for good

Terrisa Meeks
3 min readOct 26, 2021


Photo by Patrick Fore on Unsplash

After I started writing full-time again recently, I thought I should sign up for a subscription to WritersMarket.com. For years, it was an invaluable database of writer’s guidelines for all the magazines you’ve ever heard of, plus a whole bunch you haven’t. I’d purchased the hard copy of Writer’s Market in the long-ago past, but it paled in comparison to the online version, which was constantly updated, included more entries than the book, and, if I remember correctly, even had a submission tracker.

When I punched in the familiar address, I was shocked. WritersMarket.com was dead, with no indication there were any plans to revive it.

I searched around the internet for a site or two that might make up for the loss of this resource but didn’t find much. I looked at Duotrope and the Writer’s Database, both of which appeared to skew toward fiction and literary publications. I was already familiar with Poets & Writers, which is definitely geared toward small/literary press. The Writers’ Market at All Freelance Writing and the Market List at Writers Write® looked promising but appeared to be much smaller than WritersMarket.com had been.

