CEO accused of being “unstable” tries to prove the journalist wrong by attacking more people online

Satire Weekly
8 min readJun 15, 2023


Christopher Bouzy denied accusations of being unstable by posting this pic

Last week Wired magazine published a story on the CEO of Spoutible, Christopher Bouzy. The journalist, Brendan I. Koerner, was given full access to peep what exactly went behind the scenes. Mr.Bouzy, ever the self-promoter in the past has hinted at this by saying a journalist has been following him like a shadow.

The serial entrepreneur has often bragged about the coverage he has enjoyed in recent years, by MSM often in connection to his other “company” [that only qualifies as a company, if you qualify a man sitting in his kitchen, arbitrarily giving cautionary ratings to the different user he disagrees with as a legitimate company], Bot Sentinel.

Bot Sentinel has been branded as a tool that tracks disinformation, inauthentic behavior, and targeted harassment on Twitter. Bot Sentinel, having little utility by default, as Brendan notes in the article, the name itself is a misnomer (it doesn’t track bots, it brands opinions which Mr. Bouzy disagrees with at the time, inauthentic) has suffered another blow since Musk has purchased Twitter, safe to say that grift is over.

Ever the serial entrepreneur, he came up with a new idea, a carbon copy of Twitter, with a slight adjustment, ensuring that it could serve as a bunker or an echo chamber for his base. Granted the platform, has nothing unique to offer but to add to that disappointment it has been given, a rather unfortunate name, “Spoutible”. Now imagine, saying “I should Spout that!” Yuck!

I should mention, that Mr.Bouzy is approaching fifty, although looking at his Twitter timeline (if are unlucky enough not to be blocked yet), one could safely assume that they are dealing with a teen incel, unable to deal with his insecurities and taking his frustrations, on women or anyone who he feels threatened by (there are many people and many frustrations, believe me). I have yet to see a CEO act like that, I don’t think I ever would.

Despite, being in the quasi-tech industry for good twenty years, all Mr.Bouzy has produced is flops (brownie points for consistency). Well, he has made some profit in crypto but that is due to scamming people (allegedly), I don’t think that should count. To be fair, I can see where Mr.Bouzy’s frustrations are coming from, nearly 50, without a hit product, a reputation of being a scammer, lawsuits and not doing well financially.

Well as rapper Jay-Z would say “It’s a hard knock life” but I am glad Mr. Bouzy still wears the facade of a “successful black man” with endless commitment, though the cracks are appearing at a rapid pace, it seems all might come tumbling down any moment.

In the article, Mr.Bouzy described himself as a poor communicator, he didn’t have to tell us, CEO uses ChatGPT for his weekly newsletter, writing the letter himself may be too much work for him but yet he never forgets to ask for $5 every Friday from his followers. If that’s a successful black man, more luck to him.

I can imagine, Bouzy, sitting by his kitchen window, soaking in the fleeting clout gained on the backs of Amber Heard & Meghan Markle. It might be an emasculating feeling, knowing he couldn’t do it himself, but had to lean on these women. Both actresses couldn’t save their careers but at least they have given Bouzy some relevancy. Maybe this is where his issues with women are coming from, I can only speculate, it’s either that or arrested development.

Back to the article by Brendan, it seems he has witnessed it all. The endless disputes Mr. Bouzy has engaged in the past seven months, the tumultuous beginnings of Spoutible ( unsecured API, limitless outages, users identified that it is an $89 cheap knockout which was pointed out by a user and Mr.Bouzy nearly ended up crying in space, begging for another shot from his fanbase).

The article came out of nowhere to be fair I was expecting a puff piece, I do have my gripes with MSM, especially with the publications leaning left, more so after the Depp v Heard saga. The article started like a puff piece, with Brendan, complaining about Twitter and how inhospitable it has become to him after Musk’s acquisition, which lead to his journey, to find an alternative leading him to Mr.Bouzy.

What I find interesting, is how Brendan reconciled the fact that Spoutible’s whole branding is an escape from trolls, harassment, and targeted attacks meanwhile Mr.Bouzy continues to habitually engage in this concerning behavior which he proclaims he will save users from, on steroids (almost everyday, a new target).

What escaped Brendan is a financial and social incentive (clout), Bouzy has to operate like that, although he has denied this, he is funded by donations from his base, compromising of Sussex Squad and politically left-leaning individuals. From time to time, CEO needs to show, he is doing something, otherwise, the donations to Bot Sentinel might stop completely.

To my surprise, Brendan quoted somebody, who pointed out that Mr.Bouzy isn’t “stable” at all. An MSM journalist who does his research and is calling it as it is, how refreshing! The article also mentioned Bouzy’s refusal to discuss his “combativeness” and his endless disputes, maybe embarrassment might have played a big part in that.

I have yet to see, Bouzy winning any Twitter battle, he might initiate a beef but usually is put in his place rather quickly. A key thing to note, Mr. Bouzy throws these attacks behind a block, not even man enough to go toe-to-toe, with people or send his minions who are it seems are intellectually challenged too, keen to protect their supreme leader’s reputation. Yes, it is a cult forged by — politics, the need for race-baiting everything and extreme detest for anything conservative (Musk is the new addition).

Mr.Bouzy from 2021, has targeted different creators (the majority of them are women), who are proponents of the Royal Family. Mr.Bouzy has done several low-tier reports, labeling them hate or troll accounts, simply because they have an opinion which goes against his.

How dare they criticize Meghan Markle! Bouzy has gained a few colorful names, from this community including “Guppy” to one user (who Bouzy said lives in the U.S, turns out she lives in Canada) saying “his face looks like donkey’s asshole”. I would be lying to you if I didn’t tell you I googled that and indeed found some sort of resemblance. Since that day, I never saw Donkey and Bouzy in the same way.

The feuds are endless, and it seems Bouzy doesn’t care what he puts up in his Twitter feud, by any means necessary is the motto. When criticized, Bouzy can safely lean on the race card. The problem for Bouzy is, his demand for racism is much higher than the supply, sometimes, even the race card can’t save him, so he leans on the victim card although, he initiates these feuds. I can safely say, Mr.Bouzy might be the biggest purchaser of race and victim cards. Although people can see through the facade, as time progress, he is losing followers every day in hundreds.

The day the article was published, Bouzy — ever the self-promoter, was oddly quiet until you read the article. The writer simply concluded that Spoutible isn’t a suitable alternative (echo chamber), moreover, he brought Mr.Bouzy’s alleged tainted past (scam allegations) onto the mainstream stage solidifying all the “trolls” (according to Bouzy) has been saying all along.

Now it is a big L for Bouzy. I wondered how will Bouzy respond to this, a mainstream media calling you out. For days Bouzy complained about the lack of coverage, Spoutible got, when it came, it completely wrecked any prospect of it succeeding (not that it had any chance of any success in the first place).

To my lack of surprise, Bouzy responded predictably, he took one of his race cards out of his stash and ran with it. “They don’t want a black man to succeed,” Bouzy said, while his minions attacked Brendan, trying hard to undermine his credibility while some posted long threads trying to discredit the whole article and further demanding changes in the article. None of it worked. Now you would think, Bouzy would learn from it and at least temporarily behave (he is just been called unstable).

Nope, the very next day he attacked, a researcher in disinformation, for having opinions about the article (the feud is still active). The feud started a year ago because Mr. Bouzy accused the researcher of stealing his work. The accusation is comical, because the researcher, is fairly accomplished with multiple credentials and a solid body of work behind her. We have yet to find Mr.Bouzy’s credentials, and the work in question was from (Social Blade) which anybody not even tech-savvy can access.

Now you may ask, who do I blame for Bouzy phenomena (he is a symptom, not the root cause) certainly, not Bouzy. I remember my grandma’s words, “Son, be careful of an ambitious man without any talent, he will do anything but do honest work”. I blame MSM, for putting a person like Bouzy, on a pedestal. It’s a travesty that he is still considered an expert at anything, quite reflective of how standards at MSM has fallen, and nobody does any checks on these so-called “experts”. A quick Google search and any rational person can see behind the facade.

This elevated status given to Bouzy, by MSM, has allowed Bouzy to be ambitious without any repercussions. If you have followed his trajectory, from crypto scams to garnering donations under false pretense for a $89 platform or unsecured API one thing is consistent, Bouzy risks public safety for his gain. If left unchecked, he will pull more ambitious grifts, risking more and more people.

Not all is bad, I will give Bouzy some credit, he has united people who would normally would never engage or even be in similar spaces. People motivated by a need for justice have banded together as a community, determined to end this.

Being in this community for a year now, I often wonder, what justice looks like, maybe Nate wins his lawsuit or maybe Bouzy loses everything? Who thing is certain, my time in this is coming to an end. I am surprised, I stayed for that long but in my defense, there is something new with Bouzy every day. If you catch him at one thing, he will pull something stupid the next day. It never ends with this guy.

So if you are having a bad day, or you feel like a loser, just remember there is an idiot in New Jersey, at least you are not him. If you need something to lighten up your mood, just search Bouzy on Twitter and you will be cracking up in no time….




Satire Weekly

Coming from a writer's block, so I may suck for a while. If u haven't figured it out, it's satire.