Designing Gamification on Campaign Application — UI/UX Case Study

Musthofa K Rangkuti
5 min readNov 2, 2021


Hello! I’m Musthofa K. Rangkuti studying UI/UX Design at Skilvul partnered Campaign with Digital Talent Scholarship organized by the Ministry of Communication and Information Technology. Here, I am as UI/UX Designer involved whole the process end-to-end designing gamification on campaign application. I am neither working nor having professional contract with campaign.

What is Campaign?

Involved in social community and civils engagement became the basis for me personally to know the Campaign application, a social network was founded in 2015 in Indonesia. This application helps individuals, organizations or communities, and companies to collaborate each other building a sustainable and impactful campaign. The user use campaign application called as supporter who can take and finish the challenge which is available based on interest or available criteria.


What can motivate the supporter not only take the challenge on campaign but also complete the challenge for unlocking the donation by sponsor?

Solution & Design Goals

Creating the interface of campaign application more interesting, clear, and easy to understand with gamification. The gamification features that will be built are user collecting points, leader board, and reward. It will be additional the flow as user journey to reach out the metrics: completion rate user.

Design Process

Making the product needs a framework to produce appropriate product. This project used design thinking, a framework with a human — centric approach to integrate the needs of user and possibilities to develop. Consist of empathize, define, ideate, prototype, and test.

User Research

Exploring and find out exactly the motivation/ pain points/ challenges the product based on user needs and easily use by supporter. To empathize and to understand the target, we create the scoping target or user personas.

User personas:

1. Gender : women

2. Age : 16–24 years old

3. Profession : Student / Fresh graduated


· Having interest with social issues

· Loving to make new friends and networking

· Registered on campaign and taken the challenge

· Live in Indonesia and can communicate with Bahasa Indonesia

Understanding the user is a possibility to make a good product

From the pain points, continued with HMW (how-might-we) has been chosen as a prioritization solution by diagram affinity: increasing the supporter motivation through the easily access by designing gamification. From the prioritization solution, we did the crazy 8’s before designed wireframe.

User Flow

The scenario that will be faced by supporter while use the application with specific task. Detailing the supporter interact with the product step-by-step to enjoy the gamification on campaign application. Start from they are log in, find and finish the challenge to unlock the donation and to collect the point, change it to get the reward with term and condition, and view their position at leader board on homepage.


Dealing the product which one will be developed by discussing point of view of the team. It helps to make hi-fi design. The gamifications on this project are the leader board to know the position of supporter on campaign based on their collecting point. The top rank will be filled who is having the highest point and vice versa. The supporter either have high or low point will have a chance to redeem reward depends on term and condition.

UI Design

In this stage we create the UI Kit as UI style guidelines to ensure the consistency of design components with varieties like typography, colors palette, icon style, input field, button style, etc. Beside the consistency, it will help to accelerate designing UI Design. The UI Kit resembles to the Campaign Style.

So, this is the UI (User Interface) Gamification on Campaign application:


Usability Testing

The target of the designing gamification on campaign is the supporter who take the challenge on application. To know their behavior, their motivation while used campaign and to give the best user experience. We did In-Depth Interview and Single Ease Question (SEQ). Based on interview, we got the information that the supporter easily to access the gamification. Completed the challenge to collect the point and unlock donation, then get the reward which they want by redeem point. It means the problems identified have been solved by the product.

Here is a snippet from interview conversation:


For me this project is the first experience in UI/UX Design finished by involving the whole process. An opportunity to improve my skill about problem solving, critical thinking, team work and communication through the process that have been done. The important is being more empathetic towards the user for creating a good product. The Gamification became one option that we can realize to engage more supporter completing the challenge.


Honestly this gamification on campaign is necessary to improve and iterate. It will attract and stimulate more supporter completed the challenges and unlock more donation for wider social impacting.

