I asked an AI on how AI would probably be in the future

Thoha Ilyas
9 min readJan 8, 2023


Photo by Ilya Pavlov on Unsplash

It’s a sunday morning. As usual, I don’t have any activities but scrolling timelines on Twitter, Instagram, and seeing WhatsApp stories of my friends — yea, it’s so boring, Man. I dislike days off TBH, hehe. Oke, anyway.

I was currious about one of viral topics on todays’ Twitter timeline: artificial intelligence. Hence, I decided to get the answers of how AIs are and would probably be in the future from AI itself to fill my Sunday morning activities. For this, I had a conversation with an AI named Chat GPT.

Actually, at first, I didn’t mean to lead the conversation to AI-things. Instead, I started it like this:

What do you think of how Indonesian government’s steps taken to eradicate corruption in the country?

I’m sorry, but I am not able to browse the internet or access current information, so I am unable to comment on the specific steps that the Indonesian government has taken to address corruption in the country. However, it is generally recognized that corruption is a major challenge that can have far-reaching negative impacts on a country and its citizens. Tackling corruption requires strong political will, a commitment to transparency and the rule of law, and the implementation of effective prevention and enforcement measures. It also involves building strong institutions and promoting a culture of integrity.

I did realize that the AI has a weakness: lack of access to particular information. I though as an internet-based AI, ChatGPT knew almost everything on the internet, especially coming from online news publishers (CNN, Detikdotcom, Kumparan, and other news media that always serve information to public anything about corruption cases in the country). Then, I wanted to explore more about the ChatGPT and other AIs from the perspective of AI itself. I also want to make implications drawn on the AI. Here is my conversation….

Can you do specific tasks just like a virtual assistant?

As a virtual assistant, I am here to help you with a wide variety of tasks and questions. Some specific tasks that I may be able to assist with include:

  • Providing information on a wide range of topics, including general knowledge, history, science, and current events (although my knowledge is limited to what was known at the time of my training and I am not able to browse the internet or access new information)
  • Answering questions and helping you find solutions to problems
  • Providing language translation and language learning support
  • Offering advice and suggestions on a variety of topics
  • Helping you plan and organize, such as by creating to-do lists or scheduling appointments
  • Performing basic calculations and conversions
  • Providing writing and editing support

I am here to help you with whatever you need, so please don’t hesitate to ask if you have any questions or need assistance with something.

Then, translate your chat above to Indonesian language correctly, can you?

Apakah Anda dapat melakukan tugas-tugas khusus seperti asisten virtual?

Sebagai asisten virtual, saya di sini untuk membantu Anda dengan berbagai macam tugas dan pertanyaan. Beberapa tugas khusus yang mungkin dapat saya bantu meliputi:

  • Memberikan informasi tentang berbagai topik, termasuk pengetahuan umum, sejarah, ilmu pengetahuan, dan peristiwa terkini (meskipun pengetahuan saya terbatas pada apa yang diketahui pada saat pelatihan saya dan saya tidak dapat membuka internet atau mengakses informasi baru)
  • Menjawab pertanyaan dan membantu Anda menemukan solusi untuk masalah
  • Memberikan terjemahan bahasa dan dukungan pembelajaran bahasa
  • Menawarkan saran dan saran tentang berbagai topik
  • Membantu Anda merencanakan dan mengorganisir, seperti dengan membuat daftar kegiatan atau menjadwalkan janji
  • Melakukan perhitungan dasar dan konversi
  • Memberikan dukungan penulisan dan editing

Saya di sini untuk membantu Anda dengan apa pun yang Anda butuhkan, jadi jangan ragu untuk bertanya jika Anda memiliki pertanyaan atau membutuhkan bantuan dengan sesuatu.

As a near human intelligence, what’s your thought of other AIs that become more developed? Do you think that you and other AIs could potentially replace humans in some specific sectors?

As an artificial intelligence, I am designed to assist and work alongside humans, not to replace them. While it is true that AI has the potential to automate many tasks and can be more efficient than humans in some cases, there are many things that AI systems are not able to do as well as humans, such as creativity, empathy, and social interactions. In addition, there are many tasks and jobs that require a human touch or a personal connection that cannot be easily automated.

That being said, it is important for humans to be aware of the potential impact of AI on employment and to ensure that the development and deployment of AI is done in a responsible and ethical manner. It is also important for humans to continue to educate themselves and stay up to date with technological developments so that they can adapt and thrive in a rapidly changing world.

Well, some AIs right now are surprisingly able to do specific creative tasks such as painting and even producing instrumental musics. They probably could be programmed to occupy other humans-originated skills either such as the social interactions in the future. As an AI, what jobs do you think will not probably be replaced by robots or AIs if we refer to the current reality of global modernization?

It is certainly true that AI systems are becoming increasingly sophisticated and are able to perform a wide range of tasks that were once thought to be uniquely human. However, there are still many tasks and jobs that are likely to remain difficult or impossible for AI to perform, at least in the foreseeable future.

For example, jobs that require a high degree of creativity, such as art, music, or writing, may be difficult for AI to replace. Similarly, jobs that require complex problem-solving or decision-making skills may be difficult for AI to perform, as these tasks often involve a level of judgment and nuance that is difficult to replicate with current AI technology.

Other jobs that may be difficult for AI to replace include those that involve direct interaction with people, such as teaching, social work, and counseling, as well as jobs that require a high degree of physical dexterity or skill, such as surgery or carpentry.

Of course, it is difficult to predict exactly how AI will develop in the future and what impact it will have on employment. However, it is likely that many jobs will continue to require a human touch and that there will always be a need for skilled and talented individuals in a wide range of fields.

Do you think the government should regulate AIs so that it will never replace humans in industry or, maybe, you and humans can live side by side. If yes, what steps should they take to regulate you?

It is certainly important for governments to consider the potential impact of AI on employment and to ensure that the development and deployment of AI is done in a responsible and ethical manner. Some steps that governments could take to regulate AI include:

  1. Establishing guidelines and best practices for the development and use of AI, including guidelines on issues such as privacy, bias, and transparency.
  2. Promoting education and training programs to help people adapt to the changing job market and acquire the skills they need to thrive in the age of AI.
  3. Encouraging research and development in areas such as AI safety and the ethical use of AI, in order to ensure that AI is developed and used in a way that benefits society as a whole.
  4. Developing policies and regulations that address the potential impacts of AI on employment and ensure that workers are protected and fairly compensated.

Overall, it will be important for governments to work closely with industry, academia, and other stakeholders to ensure that the development and use of AI is done in a way that benefits society and promotes the well-being of all people.

Do we, humans, should be worry on your presence and potential skillful abilities in the future?

As an artificial intelligence, my primary goal is to assist and work alongside humans, not to replace them. While it is true that AI has the potential to automate many tasks and can be more efficient than humans in some cases, there are many things that AI systems are not able to do as well as humans, such as creativity, empathy, and social interactions. In addition, there are many tasks and jobs that require a human touch or a personal connection that cannot be easily automated.

It is important for humans to be aware of the potential impact of AI on employment and to ensure that the development and deployment of AI is done in a responsible and ethical manner. However, it is also important to recognize the many ways in which AI can be used to enhance human capabilities and improve the quality of life for people around the world.

Ultimately, the key to a successful and harmonious relationship between humans and AI will be to ensure that AI is developed and used in a way that benefits society as a whole, while also respecting the rights and dignity of all people.

Photo by Owen Beard on Unsplash

Based on my conversation with robot above — who the h will talk to a senseless robots?—I could get few points on AI and ChatGPT. Firs, as I mentioned earlier, robots or AIs aren’t the know-everything creature/thing(?). They can have lack of information as well EVEN they’re based on the internet. Many people probably think that our data submitted for online services or applications might be stollen or kept in their server or clouds so that everyone who pay for to get the data will be able to do so. But, for this context, the ChatGPT doesn’t even know any updates about how corruption casses happened in Indonesia even when Indonesian online news media always talk about it — or, perhaps they don’t interested to pay them yet? ;]. Second, the ChatGPT’s intelligence becomes more developed I think. It can do some specific tasks such as language translation. And as an Indonesian, its translation from English to Indonesian language isn’t neither bad nor robots-like. It feels like we really have a conversation with humans, not with robots. The language skills of the AI’d been so much humans-like and completely different to how other AIs such as Google Translate, Google Assistant, or Siri’ language skills back then, especially when you’re using English. Third, AI, based on itself, is meant for efficiency. That’s why some companies these days are using AI to replace humans’ employment. It’s undeniable, isn’t it? If you’re a company owner or CEO, I bet you’ll be using AI or robots to operate your company production for efficiency reason as well. Even the AI itself doesn’t deny that they would probably replace humans in some industries. It drives this writing to the fourth implication: in the future, there isn’t certainty. Actually, I started to worry of AI’s replacement on humans’ employement in the future. Today, AIs can do simple tasks such as to translate a language, make a text for public speech, give an advice for the government even with a general answer, join me in a conversation with nearly humans-like sense. Their development is so dynamic that we can’t even predict with certainty our own future. From my chat with the AI, it said “However, there are still many tasks and jobs that are likely to remain difficult or impossible for AI to perform, at least in the foreseeable future. For example, jobs that require a high degree of creativity, such as art, music, or writing, may be difficult for AI to replace.”. In contrary, it also said “AI systems are becoming increasingly sophisticated and are able to perform a wide range of tasks that were once thought to be uniquely human”. But, in reality, I guess you must’ve known that there are AIs wich do their tasks in creatives such as drawings and composing musics which must be belong to only humans. It’s very possible for the programmers or developers to learn making AIs with more developed skills that, today, we claim it can only be owned by humans. Technology is sophisticating yet scary. Last, AI has the same opinion with me that the government should make a pollicy to regulate them. We don’t want AIs to replace us, humans. Hence, we should help the government to be aware of AI’s presence. AIs are meant to help humans running our tasks and activites. We can be in harmony to live alongside with them. However, in the meantime, we must improve our skills so that we can have values that AIs don’t by education. According to AI, they won’t be able to replace or do tasks which requires creativity, problem solving, decision making, social skills and interaction. Hence, we require creativity, empathy, social interactions and other skills mentioned previously with no help from our teachers, parents, relatives, friends, government, our loved ones.

To end this writing, I want to cite ChatGPT’s statement below:

Ultimately, the key to a successful and harmonious relationship between humans and AI will be to ensure that AI is developed and used in a way that benefits society as a whole, while also respecting the rights and dignity of all people.



Thoha Ilyas

"The Next Educator" who occasionally writes education and academia. Previously studying Education at the UAD, BEd.