A Complete Guide To Arrays in BigQuery (2024)

Maximizing Efficiency with BigQuery Arrays: A Comprehensive Guide to Data Management and Query Optimization

Tom Ellyatt
17 min readFeb 12, 2024
Photo by Nik on Unsplash

Welcome to this comprehensive guide on arrays in BigQuery, where I unravel everything you need to know about this versatile data type. Arrays, though initially intimidating to some new analysts, are a cornerstone of efficient data handling and analysis in BigQuery. They are especially powerful in scenarios where you need to group multiple related data points together without cluttering your database.

For instance, consider the case of tracking user activities on a website. Each user might have multiple interactions — like clicks, views, or purchases — during a single session. Storing these interactions in an array allows you to keep all related actions neatly tied to one user session, enhancing both data organization and query performance.

Or, think about a scenario in a scientific study where multiple measurements are taken at different times. Using arrays, you can effectively store these time-series data points in a structured, compact format.

This article is part 4 in my Ultimate Guide to Saving Time and Money with BigQuery series, be sure to check it out if you’re looking for more cost reducing tips!



Tom Ellyatt

Google Cloud Digital Leader | Customer Insight Analyst