Ocean Albedo Modification and more efficient Ships with Air Lubrication

Thomas Reis
2 min readOct 25, 2022

We see some strange things going on these days. Climate Modelers are surprised, that Clouds are declining in a warmer world. On the other side Methane is rising faster than modeled. Maybe mainly because of a massive decline of Hydroxyl. I think these both interfere due pollution and exploitation of Soil and Sea. Both sources of Cloud building Bio Aerosols.

Photo: Samsung Heavy Industries’ SAVER Air lubrication system is used on ultra-large container ships for the first time in the world

Ships have been becoming cleaner, so we also see less Aerosols so the decline of Bioaerosols is even more recognizable. Both is resulting into less Albedo due less and less Clouds.

One Idea is to make Marine Cloud Brightening with Ships, spraying artificial spume to increase the natural process of cloud forming. Maybe we can combinate with some Air Lubricated Techniques.

Time is precious, therefore I blog the ideas fast and with less text. In principle the smaller the bubble, the longer it stays stable. So the foam of the bow wave is more stable and also increases the Albedo of the ocean surface. The air under ship lowers the drag and saves massive amounts of fuel.

In a energy declining and hotter world, these arguments must be enough to trigger massive research. I doubt that we will be fast enough. In doubt you want to fund some Albedo research, feel free to get in touch with me.

