Spiking Neural Networks: The Future of Artificial Intelligence?

Thomas Le Montagner
4 min readMar 9, 2023


Implementation of SNN in NeuCube: https://kedri.aut.ac.nz/research-groups/neucube

The human brain is a marvel of engineering, capable of processing vast amounts of information with lightning-fast speed and accuracy. For decades, scientists and engineers have been trying to replicate the brain’s abilities in machines, with varying degrees of success. One promising approach is the use of spiking neural networks, a type of artificial neural network that mimics the behavior of biological neurons.

What are Spiking Neural Networks?

Spiking neural networks (SNNs) are a type of artificial neural network that communicate using discrete spikes or pulses, rather than continuous activations. This more closely resembles the way that neurons in the brain communicate with each other, and allows SNNs to perform tasks that are difficult or impossible for traditional neural networks. In an SNN, each neuron accumulates incoming signals until it reaches a threshold, at which point it emits a spike. The spike then propagates through the network and can trigger the activation of other neurons.

Advantages of Spiking Neural Networks

  1. Energy efficiency: SNNs are highly energy-efficient as they only consume energy when a spike is generated. This makes them ideal for low-power devices, such as IoT sensors or mobile devices.
  2. Event-driven processing: Unlike traditional neural networks that operate on a fixed time interval, SNNs only process information when there is an input spike. This makes them highly efficient at processing information in an event-driven environment, such as processing visual or auditory data.
  3. Temporal coding: SNNs are capable of processing information based on the timing of spikes, which allows them to encode temporal information and to temprally precise. This is particularly useful in tasks that require processing sequential data, such as speech recognition or gesture recognition.
  4. Robustness to noise: SNNs are naturally robust to noise and can effectively filter out irrelevant information. This makes them useful in environments where noise is a common problem, such as in medical imaging or environmental monitoring.
  5. Neuroplasticity: SNNs are capable of adapting to new inputs and changing their behavior over time, much like the brain. This allows them to learn and adapt to new tasks and environments, making them highly versatile.

Applications of Spiking Neural Networks

SNNs have already been used in a variety of applications, including image and speech recognition, robotics, and neuromorphic computing. Researchers are also exploring the use of SNNs in other areas, such as autonomous vehicles, drug discovery, and brain-computer interfaces.

For example, in 2019, researchers from Intel and Cornell University developed a spiking neural network that could recognize objects in images with high accuracy and low power consumption. In another study, published in 2021, researchers from the University of California, San Diego, used an SNN to control a robotic arm with a high degree of precision.

SNN is also used implemented in NeuCube, a world-first development environment and a computational architecture for the creation of Brain-Like Artificial Intelligence (BLAI, pioneered by Professor Nikola Kasabov), that includes applications across domain areas.

Challenges and Future Directions

Despite their promise, SNNs are still a relatively new technology, and there are many challenges that must be overcome before they can become mainstream. One of the biggest challenges is developing efficient algorithms for training and optimizing SNNs. NNs are more complex than traditional neural networks, making them harder to train and optimize. The training process requires specialized techniques such as spike-timing-dependent plasticity (STDP) and backpropagation through time (BPTT).

Another challenge is developing hardware that can efficiently implement SNNs. They require specialized hardware to run efficiently, which can be expensive and difficult to access.

Despite these challenges, SNNs are an exciting area of research that holds promise for the future of artificial intelligence. As researchers continue to explore the potential of this technology, we may soon see SNNs being used in a wide variety of applications, from smartphones to self-driving cars.

What did we learn?

Overall, spiking neural networks have the potential to revolutionize the field of artificial intelligence by enabling more efficient and precise processing of information. While there are still many challenges that must be overcome, the future of SNNs looks bright. As researchers continue to develop more efficient algorithms and hardware, we may soon see SNNs being used in a wide variety of applications, from smartphones to self-driving cars.

