Image by Brendan Church via

Flutter Navigation 1.0 — Routing made easy

Thomas Middel


We all have to do it at some point: navigating from one screen to the next. How do you handle navigation in a Flutter project? Let’s look at basic navigation, how we can keep it maintainable throughout the project and how we pass data to and from a screen in our Flutter app.

The Navigator

So, you’d like to navigate from one screen to the next? Since everything in Flutter is a widget… Yep, you’d guessed it, we have a widget for that 😄.

The Navigator widget handles navigation within our Flutter app. Your screens are basically full-screen widgets, so the Navigator is nothing more than a StatefulWidget handling child widgets in a stack. The stack starts off with the home widget we define in our MaterialApp and depending on how our project looks we then push new screens on top of that. The Navigator's a bit more complex under the hood, but that’s for another time. Don’t hesitate if you’d like to check out the source code though!

Basic navigation

Now, let’s say we have a ListScreen and we’d like to navigate to the DetailScreen. The simplest way to do so would be to call the Navigator from the ListScreen and tell it to push a new DetailScreen. That would look something like this:

