Bash Functions as a Service

Tom Shaw
6 min readJan 2, 2019
Does what it says on the tin

Serverless and FaaS (Functions as a Service) has been a hot topic over the past few years. Like any new approach FaaS has attracted it’s share of criticism while others may be a little more enthusiastic about its potential. As someone who wanted to evaluate some of the pros and cons of FaaS I decided to put together this “cheatsheet” to help folks get started quickly. This post will include links to setup instructions and code used to take a bash script and invoke it using OpenFaaS.

Tools used :

The nice thing about using these tools is that they are relatively simple to debug and have active communities happy to help. They can be setup (and tore down) in minutes. This is perfect for the initial evaluation and prototyping rather than shelling out hard earned cash to use a cloud provider.


While looking into existing tutorials and guides it became apparent that node and python were the most commonly used examples. I’m not a Pythonista or node … inista? In the interest of speed I wanted to use an existing bash script and treat it like…

