The Looming Shadow of AI Bias: How Data Manipulation Shapes Our World

Human // Thomas Knutsen
2 min readFeb 24, 2024


In the age of AI, data manipulation isn’t just about transforming information; it’s about shaping reality. Algorithms and large language models like ChatGPT, now prevalent across the internet, wield immense power, influencing everything from ads and social media feeds to recruitment and content creation. Yet, beneath the veneer of objectivity lies a hidden danger: bias.

This article is based on the article I wrote on

AI Bias: A Product of Biased Data

AI’s inherent biases stem from the data it’s trained on. Studies show that AI, learning through word embedding in language, struggles to avoid perpetuating societal stereotypes and prejudices present in its training data. This “white male data,” as some experts call it, reflects the historical and ongoing biases towards certain groups.

The Ripple Effect: From Echo Chambers to Unequal Opportunities

These biases have far-reaching consequences. Algorithmic filters can create echo chambers, reinforcing existing biases and limiting exposure to diverse perspectives. In the workplace, AI-powered hiring tools can perpetuate discriminatory practices, unfairly disadvantaging marginalized groups based on skewed datasets.

Beyond Gender and Race: A Spectrum of Bias

AI bias isn’t limited to gender and race. As Princeton’s Olga Russakovsky highlights, it encompasses a broader range of marginalized groups and associated stereotypes. This systemic bias, embedded within the very foundation of AI, poses a significant threat to equality and fair treatment.

Taking Control: Mitigating the Impact

While eliminating our exposure to AI might be unrealistic, there are steps we can take:

  • Conscious Content Consumption: Seek out and prioritize human-generated content, acknowledging its inherent biases while recognizing the human element behind it.
  • Critical Thinking and Awareness: Actively question information encountered online, being mindful of potential biases in AI-generated content and algorithms.
  • Advocacy and Education: Raise awareness about the dangers of AI bias and advocate for responsible development and implementation of AI technologies.

AI holds immense potential, but its effectiveness hinges on addressing the critical issue of bias. By acknowledging the problem, taking individual steps, and promoting responsible development, we can work towards a future where AI empowers, not hinders, progress for all.

I, Thomas Knutsen, a human, wrote this article.



Human // Thomas Knutsen

Code by day, content by night. Family man exploring tech & entrepreneurship in Norway