Thomas Carney
1 min readDec 11, 2015


But this is such a double standard in feminist logic.

Feminists constantly say that male circumcision and domestic violence against men doesn’t matter and should be ignore because even if they aren’t right, they aren’t AS BAD as what happens to women.

Feminists say it’s ok to ignore homeless men and not provide them services because homeless men dont face AS MANY struggles as homeless women.

So surely, if you were consistent with this logic, you would say the issues of american women dont matter and should be ignored, because the issues faced by afghan women are so much more serious and severe?

I’m a former male victims of domestic violence. I can’t stand you, your rights, and other feminists like you, and I don’t care where you came from or what you faced. You are my enemy, because you stand to hurt me and others like me for being born the way we were. I am proudly an anti-feminist MRA, here in afghanistan, and anywhere else.

