Every Days He Grows More Insane

6 min readAug 1, 2024


Last night I was deep asleep dreaming of being in some kind of pyramid like in the Alien vs. Predator movie and it was extremely disturbing because normally I am deep asleep cuddling my darling Lily but I have terrible tinnitus so I have to have the television on to drown out the sound of the ringing and then I understood why I was so disturbed, Trump was having an interview with black journalists.

The biggest problem with Hee Haw Republicans besides being dumb as absolute fuck is that they have given up on life. They died back when they were 30 or earlier and nobody has bothered to put them in the wooden coat and that’s how broken as a human being you must be to support this psychopath.

I had another dream a few months back about my Grandfather and I told him if he voted for Trump that I would never speak to him again.

I sat there listening to him going off like a mini gun loaded with lies just going off at 2700 a minute.

I remember back when Nostradumbass said that the Corona Virus was soon going to disappear and that the numbers of people who had it would soon be down to zero. 1.1 million Americans died from it because Trump is so stupid that he thought he could inject disinfectant and insert a lightbulb into someone’s body and cure them of the rona.

Then we went through the Hydroxy bullshit where this absolute moron said Hydroxy cured the Rona. Then Dr. Joe Rogan came out with his carefully researched scientific paper on Ivermectin which actual scientists found that it had absolutely no effect on corona virus but of course when you are a scientifically illiterate moron, facts never get in the way of you being a moron.

Remember the night of the election and I was live broadcasting and I mused that he was going to declare that he won and just like a dog cleaning up its own vomit, that’s what he did. Of course he declared himself the winner as the Johnnie Walker started waking Rudy Ghouliani up but nothing was going to stop a pathetic narcissistic sociopath from declaring he won because that’s what we knew he’d do.

The pillars of democracy held, barely but not from want of trying to knock them down, he did try.

Then Trump went into Nostradumbass mode again where he predicted the biggest depression in the history of the world when Joe Biden took over. He said the stock market would tank and that inflation would explode.

Absolutely nothing Nostradumbass predicted came true. The stock market doubled. Unemployment was lower than in recorded history. Inflation is lower than it is anywhere in the world and it wasn’t because a single Republican wanted to do anything to stop any of it. Nothing would make the likes of Kevin McCarthy and Jim Comer than the American economy being in the tank because they’re the ones who always make the mess democrats have to clean up and when they are out of the majority the only thing Republicans do is bitch about Democrats not cleaning up their mess faster.

Everything Trump said in the interview with the black journalists was a lie. His dementia has reached the point where his entire life is built on lies so the only thing he is capable of anymore is lying.

He told the black journalists that illegals were going to take black jobs so they asked him, ‘what are black jobs?’ He said, ‘all of them.’

Then he went on to again claim that all throughout central and South America that they were emptying their insane people and sending them to the border because Trump thinks people who are seeking asylum are leaving asylums because he simply does not comprehend the definition of the word ‘asylum.’

He started nattering on about Joe Biden and how this was like a prize fight and then they stick someone else in the fight. Trump does not seem to understand what the function of a convention is. He said illegals will also be voting in this election because something something potato.

Trump thinks that the cinemabortion 2000 Mules by convicted felon Dinesh D’Souza was some kind of documentary like Free the Children was except Dinesh who is a Cornell graduate does not understand how voting systems work anymore than Trump understands what causes him to soil his diaper.

Trump went on and on about illegals voting like all you need is a printer and you can print as many as you want to vote for Kamala.

The man does not have even a tacit grip on reality. He had the unmitigated gall to say he won the ‘Florida case’ which is going to come as a big surprise to him when Aileen Cannon is reversed then recused from the case. Then he said he was protected under the Presidential Records Act which he knows as much about that as he does cardiovascular surgery.

Harris Faulkner got to ask most of the questions which was odd since the network she works for does not have even one journalist working for it that I am aware of after they paid $797 million dollars to Dominion Voting Machines for all of them lying about voter fraud and the Smartmatic case is on the horizon and that case is going to be much bigger because Smartmatic is a much bigger company.

Harris Faulkner is so clueless that she doesn’t even have the self awareness to know that she is one of Fox’s ‘token blacks’ because she constantly says the dumbest things uttered by any human being.

When one of the other real reporters got their chance, she asked Trump if he thought Kamala was a ‘DEI” hire and if he thought he should tell his fellow Republicans to stop calling her that?

So he asked her for a definition for DEI.

She said, ‘Diversity, Equity and Inclusion.’

He then said, ‘I am not going to tell them to stop calling her anything until you define what DEI means.’

“I just did.”

‘Look Kamala first said she was Indian and now she’s saying she’s black and I don’t know what she is but an absolute disaster.’

Since he refused or did not understand the question, then she asked about him calling all of the black prosecutors who are prosecuting him names.

That’s when Donnie completely lost his shit.

“I came here on good terms because you said Kamala would be here and she’s not.”

Nobody told him she was going to be there, nobody. He just felt like saying that and did because he knows no normal functioning adult can deal with his Gatling Gun of lies.

Then he said he had never been treated with such disrespect and that he had done more for black people than any other president.

The Reporter then said, ‘more than Lyndon Baines Johnson signing the voting rights act?’

Then he said, ‘I’ve done as more for black people than anyone but Abraham Lincoln.’

The technique is an old Goebbels trope, ‘tell a lie often enough and keep repeating it until it becomes true.’

To this insidious moron, he actually believes that he had done more than any other president for black people because at Mar A Lago, nobody is black and nobody questions his lies with facts.

There is no substance to that bloviating imbecile. If you removed all of the hot air he’d shrink up to the size of a softball. Take the corruption and malice out of him and he’d vanish like a fart in a hurricane.

