Chain-of-Thought (COT)Prompting To Improve Model Outcomes

Thomas Czerny
3 min readMar 11, 2024


Chain-of-thought prompting can be combined with zero or few shot prompting as well. It is simply just a matter of how many COT examples you provide the LLM prior to seeking it’s output.

In the evolving landscape of artificial intelligence (AI), Chain of Thought Prompting emerges as a groundbreaking approach, enhancing how AI models tackle complex reasoning tasks. This method involves guiding AI through a series of logical steps or “thoughts,” mimicking human problem-solving processes. By structuring prompts to encourage AI to detail its reasoning, Chain of Thought Prompting significantly amplifies the model’s capabilities, especially in solving intricate problems that require multi-step reasoning.

Benefits of Chain of Thought Prompting

Enhanced Problem-Solving Accuracy

Chain of Thought Prompting boosts the accuracy of AI responses by breaking down complex problems into manageable steps. This method aligns with human cognitive processes, ensuring that the AI model considers various aspects of a problem sequentially, leading to more accurate and reliable outcomes.

Improved Explainability

AI’s decision-making process often seems like a “black box,” making it challenging to understand how conclusions were reached. Chain of Thought Prompting addresses this issue by providing a transparent, step-by-step account of the AI’s reasoning process. This transparency not only builds trust in AI solutions but also makes it easier for users to identify and correct potential errors in the reasoning process.

Examples of Chain of Thought Prompting

Mathematical Problem Solving

Problem: “If you have 5 apples and you give away 2, how many do you have left?”

Chain of Thought Prompt: “Let’s break this down. You start with 5 apples. If you give away 2 apples, you subtract 2 from 5 to find out how many apples you have left. So, 5 minus 2 equals 3. Therefore, you have 3 apples left.”

Benefit: This example showcases how Chain of Thought Prompting leads the AI through a logical sequence of steps to solve a simple arithmetic problem, making it easier to follow and verify the solution.

Complex Decision-Making

Problem: “Should a company invest in renewable energy projects?”

Chain of Thought Prompt: “To determine if investing in renewable energy is wise, consider the following steps: 1. Analyze the initial investment costs versus long-term savings on energy costs. 2. Evaluate the environmental impact and potential for positive public relations. 3. Consider government incentives for renewable energy projects. 4. Assess the compatibility of renewable energy with the company’s long-term strategy.”

Benefit: In this scenario, Chain of Thought Prompting guides the AI through a multi-faceted analysis, considering economic, environmental, and strategic factors. This approach ensures a comprehensive evaluation, leading to a well-reasoned recommendation.

Let’s think step by step.

Some examples have shown that by adding “Let’s think step by step.” to the end of a prompt can enhance the model output as you are first telling the LLM to think though it’s answer and provide that reasoning before giving a response as opposed to just providing the response.

Allowing the LLM to propose it’s own set of reasoning steps can improve model outcome vs. relying on manually added ones as our own human input could bias the outcome and then in a future example, the model draws incorrectly from the past manually provided examples.

Go Try COT Prompting

In conclusion, Chain of Thought Prompting represents a significant leap forward in the field of artificial intelligence. By encouraging AI to “think” in a structured, logical manner, it not only enhances problem-solving accuracy but also sheds light on the AI’s thought process, making technology more transparent and accessible. As AI continues to evolve, Chain of Thought Prompting will undoubtedly play a pivotal role in maximizing its potential for complex reasoning tasks.

Please note, these are just simple examples and it is best that you try some of your own examples and read more on the subject.



Thomas Czerny

Product Development Executive | Organic Growth Champion | R&D, Product Management, Cross-Functional Leadership & Organizational Development Expert