It’s a Fact of Life; COVID Is Still Here

Thomas Dean
2 min readFeb 9, 2023

The battle of the century began with a sniffle….


Day 1

Sunday morning, February 5th, it began with a sniffle.

Then a sneeze.

Then a scratchy throat.

The attack had begun.

By 11 AM, I was sick. Sick. I took out the Covid home test and discovered what I already knew. I had Covid.

I forced down a salad for lunch at noon. I made myself comfortable and waited for things to get worse. They did.

Maybe it wasn’t the “battle of the century,” but I was about as sick as I had been in a long time. I bundled up and made it through the first day.

Day 2

I slept for 12 hours on day 2. I can’t tell you much about it except I had strange repeating dreams. I was counting and categorizing something. It made little sense.

My impression for day 2 was that I needed help focusing on things.

Day 3

I felt much improved. I thought that I was on my way to recovery. I still had trouble focusing, but I could do things like reading Medium articles for a short time.

I stayed up later than I expected. When I did go to bed, I couldn’t sleep. It took a while until I…



Thomas Dean

I am a photographer who provides tips and advice on photography, marketing and product management/development. Reach out to me