A Python to Cure Snake Phobia

Thomas Despin
3 min readFeb 4, 2020

Snakes used to make me freak out.

I thought they were vicious aggressive creatures waiting for me to fall asleep and bite me in my own bed.

It makes zero sense when you confront this to reality, but fears aren’t here to make sense.

When I arrived in Bali, I heard of a crazy called Rex Sumner, who has an obsession for snakes (besides being a great story teller and a wise man).

Everybody knows him as the person to call in case of a snake issue.

As I consumed his content on social media and read more about snakes, and how he loves them, I went from phobic to curious (yet still scared).

Fast forward to last week.

We started to find a few baby snakes passing by the beach, here on Buka Buka Island.

I sent a picture to Rex who confirmed those were reticulated pythons, non venemous and non harmful specie.

I thought, fine, let’s just those snakes pass by and live their life. After all, it’s more their home than mine anyway.

But yesterday, one of our worker catched one, and put it in a water bottle.

When I asked, another worker say he wanted to kill it, because it’s dangerous (if you ask me the most dangerous specie on the planet is only human…



Thomas Despin

I build sustainable beach villas on remote paradise islands, in Indonesia — Seen in Forbes, WIRED & Entrepreneur — hi@thomasdespin.com | www.reconnect.id