Climbing a volcano & Influencer Marketing – my day from 1:00AM to 00:05AM

Thomas Despin
4 min readDec 1, 2017

When the alarm clock rang, I wasn’t sure if I would still make it. I only had 2 hours of sleep and it was a mission to open my eyes.

30min more.

I checked my phone: «I’m on my way bro!».

My friend Agus arrived around 2AM to pick us up at my place. And there we were, going to the Batur volcano (NOT the one erupting in Bali).

I like talking with Agus. We have completely different backgrounds and cultures, yet we get along and understand each other very well.

My other friend Karen was sleeping in back seat, and we didn’t hear about her during almost all the way there.

Around 4AM, Agus pulled over and opened the car’s trunk: «Coffee? Tea? I also brought some chocolate martabak.»

This guy is always over delivering! And by the way, if you come to Bali some day, you have to try the chocolate martabak, it’s delicious.

We had some conversations about spirituality, healers, fortune tellers and magic. Bali is an island where those are part of the culture.

And after 19 months on the island, my mind came from ultra rational to pretty open to spirituality things.

We reached the bottom of the volcano around 4:30AM and started to climb right after we met with our guide Komang.

«This is a different way than the one you took last time», Agus said.

«It’s a bit harder, but also more beautiful.», he added.

The volcano itself is less than 2,000m, and we took something like 1h30 to climb it.

Imagine being with 2 friends and a local guide, in the complete darkness, climbing a mountain through the jungle.


As we reached the top, the wind welcomed us with a melody I have never heard before.

It was cloudy and rainy as well, so we completely missed the sunrise we were chasing there.

However, we still had a hot breakfast on the top, including boiled eggs, steamed bananas and coffee. And this was enough for me.

The guide showed us how he used the steam in the walls of the volcano to make a «natural oven» and cook the food.


Watch the live video we did here

As we walked down the weather got better and we had a wonderful view on the entire crater.

Komang, our guide, was a goldmine of informations, and brought us to different places where tourists don’t often go, including a secret temple in a cave.

I arrived back at home around 12:30, got one of the greatest massages I had here, including a bath filled with flowers. Really enjoyable after the morning hiking.

I basically passed out for the entire afternoon afterward.


I opened my eyes and checked the clock: «Hey, it’s already the time when our first influencer’s post has to be posted for do you.

I called my assistant to be sure everything was ready on our side.

Called the influencer to be sure everything was ready. She was busy shooting for a tv show.

Nothing was ready.

In the end, the post came up, and even if nothing happened as planned, everything is fine and ready to improve for tomorrow’s post.

Here are a few lessons/thoughts I have to remember when I work with really busy people (here, an actress acting for a national TV show in Indonesia, shooting every single day):

  • Handle more of the executive work myself (caption/hashtags +++)
  • Make it simple for her so she doesn’t need to spend too much time on it
  • Think everything ahead, and don’t expect support on the strategy: it’s my part and I have to know what and how I want it

When I came outside for a walk to buy food, it was already 8PM.

I went to a local warung and took advantage of this time to call another influencer I have to meet soon in Bali for a shooting.

Everything went well. This should be another interesting and productive collaboration!

The time I eat, relax a bit and finish 2/3 things, it’s already 11PM, and I didn’t write anything as for my today’s article.

Well, now it’s done.

It’s 00:05AM, and after an almost 24h day, I am going to sleep with this great feeling you have after an intense and meaningful day.

Good night everyone 🙏🏼❤️



Thomas Despin

I build sustainable beach villas on remote paradise islands, in Indonesia — Seen in Forbes, WIRED & Entrepreneur — |