My First Real Job As a Digital Nomad

How and Why I joined The Team after 1 Year Cycling Around The World?

Thomas Despin
5 min readJun 27, 2016


It’s been 15 months now since I left France to travel the world by bicycle to meet startups CEOs and learn from them.

After 18 countries crossed, 12,000km cycled, 100+ entrepreneurs met, hundreds of incredible and vivid memories (and only 5 flat tires), I finally ended up in Bali, where I arrived 1 month ago from Toronto.

My missions here are to:
- Use everything I learnt on the road to work on my own projects
- Work remotely as a Digital Nomad to make a living from here
- Take some time to rest and enjoy this beautiful island

Today, I want to tell you more about how I had a chance to join the AddGoals team and to work from Bali, doing only (mostly) things that I truly love doing!

And you will be surprised how this kind of opportunity could have happened to any one of you :)

What is AddGoals?

AddGoals is a social network for people who want to live their life to the fullest. For people who want to create lots of memories and have a clear overview of their doings. My trip has been so long but Addgoals helps me keep an eye on my journey.

Furthermore, I can share my journey and become an inspiration for others. Maybe there is someone else in the world who wants to do the same thing.

“Dreams to goals. Goals to action. Together”

I’ve met Sten (CEO) and Eveli (CCO) in Estonia after my couchsurfing host introduced me to them. We had a coffee in F-hoone (very hipster place in Kalamaja). It was almost one year ago.

They introduced me a great tool for tracking and planning goals, topped by a social dimension to add engagement, interactions and motivation (goals can be public or private).

I actually started to use it right after I met them to plan the different steps of my bicycle journey.

Even though the tool was not as cool and efficient as it is today (and even if it’s still in progress), I was really excited to join other people who are driven by their dreams and to get connected to them while achieving my own dreams.

We stayed in touch since this moment as I kept cycling around Europe. And USA.

How I ended up working with them from Bali?

When I was in USA, I had a conversation with Sten about the new features they were developing for AddGoals. In the end of the conversation, he told me: “When you’ll be done with this journey, if you want to join our team at some point, it would be great to work with you”.

To be honest, it happened several times on the road that I’ve been offered to work with startups I’ve met. But it was the first time that I felt like I could really do it. The project made a lot of sense to me, and I really appreciated their mindset.

That’s why, when going to Bali turned from an option to a decision, I contacted Sten right away to tell him that I’d have some free time to work with AddGoals team for at least 2 months.

So, what I’m doing exactly?

My mission is splitted in 2 parts : UX & Marketing.

Concerning the UX part, I am mostly constantly testing, reviewing & giving feedback on every single part of the website to help the team making AddGoals simpler and more efficient to use.

I feel I can be very helpful because during my journey I saw how startups need a look from the distance. These people are working hard on the product 24/7 so my views are a bit different and hopefully, helpful!

The marketing part takes more time and is also more challenging for me. I’m creating weekly content (videos + blogposts) and use my own experiences and challenges to spread the AddGoals vision.

You can check the last video below

I wrote before that it’s my first “real” job as a Digital Nomad even if I’m already used to work remotely — mostly making websites to make more money to keep traveling. But it’s the first time that I really join a team with a mission.

It’s the first time that I feel like I’m part of a global project and that what I do is meaningful to help the project grow.

Plus I do it from Bali, managing my working hours myself (as long as I deliver). And if I want to move to another place, it’s up to me!

Sounds great, right? Try it!

You may already know that I’m a huge believer in the digital nomadic lifestyle. It’s 2016, and more people are making the jump every day.

Whether you already have a job that you’d like to do remotely or you just want to travel and being able to be sustainable on the road, there are plenty of solutions today.

I feel grateful that I had this opportunity to work with AddGoals and still have time to work on my own projects. And you can do the same!

You should think right now about:
- what you really like doing
- what you are good at
- what you want to learn
- where you want to go

If you have all that figured out, make a plan! AddGoals is a great tool for that — plan your journey by adding milestones and actual deadlines.

If you put yourself on the right path, then you’ll have chances to attract great opportunities to you. It may be luck. But you can’t attract this kind of luck by staying in your couch watching tv.

Your life is up to you.

Did you like what you read? Press ❤ and join me on AddGoals so we can start achieving our goals together!



Thomas Despin

I build sustainable beach villas on remote paradise islands, in Indonesia — Seen in Forbes, WIRED & Entrepreneur — |