WARRIOR DIET DAY #1 — The Best Worst Day to Start it.

Thomas Despin
2 min readJan 4, 2017


I slept only 4h because I had to bring my girlfriend to the airport super early in the morning.

Being tired like this seems to be the worst idea when you want to start a diet such as the Warrior Diet (more about the diet itself here). Because a tired mind isn’t so rational and is more likely to get tempted.

But whatever, I said the day before that I would start anyway,
so I started it.

There is no “best” day to start anything.
So I decided today would be the best one for me.

I had my first meal at 8PM, and it was fairly easy to wait until then. I initially stated that my window for eating would be 8h, but
I only ate between 8pm and 10:15pm
, which means I can have my next food the day after at 2:15pm (16h fasting).

I think it was easy to wait because I ate SO MUCH during the Christmas holidays that my body was happy to stop getting many calories.

I didn’t have any workout this day because I was so tired from the sleepless night (half of my day was dedicated to sleep/rest and the rest for working/eating).

Today’s benefit

  • Feeling lighter
  • Satisfied of starting such a challenge
  • Really enjoyed eating my daily meal at 8pm

Tomorrow’s plan

  • Eating from 2:15pm to 10:15pm max (stick to 8h eating / 16h fasting)
  • Intense workout in the morning
  • Focusing on listening to my body to know what kind of food it needs

Thank you for reading and following THE DIARY and my life experiments, stories and adventures.

Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments!

PLEASE, hit the 💚 below if you liked this story! It encourages me and help other people discovering it.

Sponsored link: if you want to know more about the Warrior Diet, I recommend you to check out Ori Hofmekler’s book about it

The Warrior Diet: Switch on Your Biological Powerhouse For High Energy, Explosive Strength, and a Leaner, Harder Body



Thomas Despin

I build sustainable beach villas on remote paradise islands, in Indonesia — Seen in Forbes, WIRED & Entrepreneur — hi@thomasdespin.com | www.reconnect.id