You Are Disabled Without Knowing It.

Thomas Despin
2 min readFeb 10, 2020

Here’s why most people are disabled,
without even knowing it.

If you lose an arm, or a leg, or the sight, you can’t ignore the difference it makes in your life.

You lose some ability, and you know it.

It’s hard to deny that you can’t see anymore.

But most people suffer from a totally different kind of disability.

Their ego.

People’s ego is a hidden handicap, which prevents oneself from even being aware of it.

“I don’t have an ego problem”, is what you say… when you have an ego problem.

Ego is one of the sneakiest disabilities.

Because when you suffer the most from it,
is when you are the least aware of it.

When your ego controls your life, it’s like having a constantly empty stomach, which gets emptier as you fill it.

Ego is craving.

For attention, for affection, for love, for being right, for dopamine, for validation, for recognition, for excitation… for highs in general.

And the more you get, the emptier you feel.

Ego is like the universe and human stupidity, it is infinite.



Thomas Despin

I build sustainable beach villas on remote paradise islands, in Indonesia — Seen in Forbes, WIRED & Entrepreneur — |