How to make your girlfriend happy?

2 min readJan 8, 2024
Photo by Brian Lawson on Unsplash

Unlocking the secret to a woman’s happiness has puzzled mankind for ages. While many believe that women find fulfillment in personal pursuits, the reality is more complex. The key to genuine happiness for a woman lies in the hands of the man in her life — a truth often overlooked by many well-meaning boyfriends and husbands.

Let me share a story to illustrate this point. Meet Liam and Karla. Karla, a busy med student, comes home exhausted and expects dinner from Liam. Instead of understanding her situation, a misunderstanding ensues, leading to frustration and tension in their relationship.

The root cause of Karla’s unhappiness isn’t Liam’s lack of effort or financial contribution. The issue lies in Liam’s submissive approach, constantly apologizing and compromising. This is a common mistake many men make in attempting to make their women happy.

Realizing this crucial flaw in his attitude, Liam seeks guidance on saving his relationship. He fears the inevitable — Karla leaving him. But here’s the twist: it’s not that she’s leaving him that’s the problem; it’s Liam resigning himself to this fate.

To truly make a woman happy, one must recognize that women thrive on emotional drama. This doesn’t mean creating chaos but understanding that women, being emotional creatures, need ups and downs to feel happiness. Liam’s past experience of a car breaking down on a date, though initially stressful, created a memorable bonding moment.

So, how does one create this emotional rollercoaster in a relationship? The answer lies in a technique called Fractionation, a form of secret Mind Control or hypnosis. By intentionally introducing positive and negative situations and resolving them together, a man can control a woman’s emotional state.

Fractionation is not a toy; it can have lasting effects, so it must be used responsibly. Never should it be used to harm a woman. When applied ethically, Fractionation can lead to a woman’s genuine happiness and the restoration of balance in a relationship.

Take Liam’s journey as inspiration. By mastering the intricacies of the female mind, he not only saved his relationship but found success in his career. Are you ready to embark on a similar path? If you agree to use Fractionation responsibly, the keys to a happy relationship are within your reach. It’s time to reclaim control and make your wife or girlfriend truly happy. Are you ready for the challenge? If so, you know what to do.

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