CS 373 Spring 2024: Isaac Thomas Blog #13

Isaac Thomas
2 min readApr 22, 2024


What did you do this past week?

This week, I resubmitted phase III, started working on phase IV, and registered for classes. Registration didn’t go as planned (as usual) and I ended up with a schedule very different from my plans. I’ve resolved this within myself, and I am now happy I was able to get the requirements I needed. I didn’t get to register for any CS upper division classes I would have loved to take, but I didn’t end up with boring and insanely difficult ones either.

What’s in your way?

There is nothing in my way. I only have one final and a project in this class to finish. In my other classes, I’m already done for the semester.

What will you do next week?

I will finish Phase IV, wrap up things I need to do before the semester ends, and study for my final.

What did you think of Paper #13, “What Happens to Us Does Not Happen to Most of You?”

This article is very insightful, as a lot of people go about life thinking things don’t happen because it doesn’t happen to them. As men planning to work in the CS industry, we should help increase awareness about these issues so we can be the voice of change for underrepresented groups. It is crucial to hear these accounts from women and other underrepresented groups in the CS field instead of speaking from our own experiences. This article does a great job of doing this, which is why I admire it. One great way to be an ally is to listen and try to understand people’s experiences, instead of downplaying them because it doesn’t seem that deep or doesn’t happen to you.

What did you think of refactoring and the ethics lectures?

Refactoring was easy to understand because of the papers we’ve been reading. It’s nice that we got to see the fundamentals we have been reading about getting applied to code. The ethics lectures were very insightful. They were very interesting and engaging to listen to. Also, they brought up many good points that I hope to keep to heart as I enter the CS industry in the future.

What made you happy this week?

I didn’t have much to do this week so that made me happy. A break is always nice to have.

What’s your pick-of-the-week or tip-of-the-week?

There is a GitHub repository called “build-your-own-x” filled with tutorials on projects you can make. It is very helpful to prepare for the upcoming recruiting cycle.

