Deploying a Sample Node.js Program on EC2 with Apache2
This guide provides step-by-step instructions to deploy a Node.js application on an EC2 instance using Apache2 as the web server. It is already assumed that the EC2 is already been initialized.
1. Update Packages and Libraries
sudo apt update
Updating packages and libraries ensures that your system’s software repositories have the latest information about available software packages. It’s important to start with updated information to ensure compatibility and security.
2. Add Node.js 16 PPA
curl -sL | sudo bash -
This step adds the Node.js 16 PPA (Personal Package Archive) to your system. PPAs provide access to software that isn’t available in the default repositories. This command fetches the script from NodeSource, which sets up the PPA for Node.js 16.
3. Update Packages Again
sudo apt update
Updating packages again ensures that the newly added Node.js PPA information is incorporated into the package lists
4. Install Node.js and Verify Versions
sudo apt install nodejs
node - version
npm - version
Installing Node.js provides you with the Node.js runtime environment. After installation, you verify the installed versions of Node.js and npm (Node Package Manager) to confirm that the installation was successful.
5. Update NPM Version
sudo npm install -g npm@9.7.1
This command updates the npm (Node Package Manager) tool to version 9.7.1 globally. Updating npm ensures that you’re using a version that’s compatible with your project and other dependencies.
6. Generate SSH Keys
Generate SSH keys for cloning and pushing code:
Generating SSH keys allows you to securely connect to other servers and services, like GitHub, for code cloning and pushing.
SSH keys provide a secure way to authenticate without needing to enter your password every time.
7. Clone the Code
Clone your Node.js application code using SSH keys. Note here I have already created a sample repository. Feel free to use your own repository after testing that it works locally.
If only SSH added in Github then only it will be able to clone properly and also :
git clone
Cloning your Node.js application’s code using SSH keys allows you to obtain the project’s source code from a remote repository (like GitHub) onto your EC2 instance.
8. Install Apache2
sudo apt install apache2
Installing Apache2 provides you with a powerful and widely used web server. Apache2 will be used to serve your Node.js application to the internet.
9. Change Ownership of /var/www
Override Apache’s default permissions by changing ownership of /var/www:
sudo chown -R $USER:$USER /var/www
Changing the ownership of /var/www to your user ensures that you have the necessary permissions to deploy and manage files within Apache’s web root directory.
10. Create Production Build
Create a production build of your Node.js application:
cd reactjs-sample-app
npm run build
Creating a production build compiles your Node.js application’s source code into optimized and minified files. This ensures efficient and performant delivery to users’ browsers.
11. Copy Build Folder to /var/www
Copy the build folder to the Apache web root directory:
sudo cp -r build /var/www
Copying the production build to /var/www makes your application’s optimized files available to the Apache web server for serving to users.
12. Change Apache Configuration
Navigate to Apache’s sites-available directory:
cd /etc/apache2/sites-available
Navigating to Apache’s sites-available directory is necessary to access and edit Apache’s configuration files.
13. Create New Site Configuration.
Here ‘vi’ is vim which is a text editor, search the internet if you are not familiar with the usage or use other alternative text editor such as nano.
sudo vi 001-reactjs-prod.conf
Inside the configuration file, add the following:
<VirtualHost *:80 >
DocumentRoot /var/www/build
ErrorLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/error.log
CustomLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/access.log combined
Creating a new site configuration file allows you to define how Apache should handle requests for your Node.js application. This configuration specifies the domain, document root, and other settings
14. Save the Configuration File
Save the configuration file and exit the text editor.
15. Activate the New Site
sudo a2ensite 001-reactjs-prod.conf
Activating the new site configuration enables Apache to use the settings defined in the configuration file for serving your Node.js application.
16. Restart Apache
Restart the Apache server to apply the changes:
sudo systemctl restart apache2
Restarting the Apache web server is necessary to apply the configuration changes. After the restart, Apache will start serving your Node.js application using the new configuration.
Finally if everything is successfull, on your EC2 machines public address this will be deployed.