How To Overcome Social Awkwardness

Thomas Strider
3 min readJun 26, 2022

Beating social anxiety is easier than you think!

Photo by Toa Heftiba on Unsplash

We’ve all had feelings of uncomfortableness in a social setting.

Whether it’s because we’re in a new place, or surrounded by a group of people we’ve never met.

You’re afraid your jokes won’t land, you can’t come up with any topics to talk about, or maybe your introduction alone will feel eerie.

This type of anxiety is normal, but there are several ways we can avoid these feelings, gain confidence, and become more “cool.” 😎

For one lets acknowledge what anxiety really is…

The worry about outcomes that have not yet happened to us.

Your social anxiety manifests because you allow it to. You anticipate you’ll be disliked, made fun of, or viewed as inept.

Then these feelings raise your anxiety, causing you to actually act awkward; social awkwardness became a self fulfilling prophecy.

Photo by Helena Lopes on Unsplash

Learning to anticipate and become excited about social interaction is the key to overcoming social awkwardness.



Thomas Strider

Blogs about entrepreneurship and self-improvement. Top writer on Medium with 50,000,000+ reads across the web. Follow for lifestyle centric business tips.