Pompey Post
3 min readDec 8, 2016


Jamal Lowe is set to link up with his new team mates in January and the Pompey Post caught up with the England C striker to talk about his forthcoming switch to Fratton Park.

PP “Hi Jamal, firstly, thank you for speaking to the Pompey Post! What do you know about Pompey so far?”

JL “Well I know the players and staff all have high ambitions to get promoted this season and I know the club has a massive fan base who help to push the club forward and have been very welcoming to me”

PP “Excellent, we’re all excited about it, were not quite firing on all cylinders yet! Was there any interest in you besides that of Pompey?”

JL “There were a few clubs watching and putting offers in but I believe I made the right choice in choosing a great club going in the right direction and I want to try to and be apart of something special”

PP “We like the sound of that! This is a special club that’s unfortunately been through the mire in recent times. What’s been your career highlight to date?”

JL “I’ll probably have to say winning the league with Hampton and Richmond last season, signing for Portsmouth and scoring the winning goal for England C last month was pretty special”

PP “Not been a bad 12 months ay! A contract at Portsmouth, a blossoming England career, but what would you be if you wasn’t a footballer, Jamal”

JL “If I wasn’t a footballer I’d be lost but I’d be a PE teacher as that’s been my job for the last 3 years since getting into non league”

PP “We’d all be lost without football! Jamal, for a bit of fun, can you give the fans an insight into your life away from football, most importantly, your favourite fast food?”

JL “Easy, Chinese”

PP “Xbox or PlayStation?”

JL “PlayStation!”

PP “…and your celebrity crush?”

JL “It’s got to be Kim Kardashian!”

PP “I can see why! Back to football, who would you say is your footballing hero?”

JL “Ronaldinho!”

PP “He played here once believe it or not! Finally Jamal, do you have a quick message for the fans?”

JL “I hope I can help the team move forward and I can’t wait to play at Fratton Park infront of the fans! Enjoy the festivities and see you all in January”



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