Spooify: Four Veterans within Coders Worldwide develop a Spotify clone

Alex Peterec
3 min readMay 23, 2023


As we transition into the senior phase of our 18-week boot camp with Galvanize, my classmates and I were assigned our first team-based project. This project is our front-end capstone utilizing the PERN stack. PERN stands for PostgreSQL, Express.js, React, and Node.js. Our team, Coders Worldwide, decided it only seemed fit to clone Spotify as junior Software Engineers trying to make it big in this world… based on certain movie characters you may know and love. You have to have fun while solving problems and creating applications, am I right?

My team consisted of Tailon, Nick, Justin, and myself. All of us are Veterans transitioning from the Army and the Airforce into civilian life at the same time. The majority of our project breakdown will be in the video embedded above. In this video, Coders Worldwide covers our tech stack, why we chose certain technologies, the main features and components we worked on, discuss issues we came across during development, and how those were resolved. Since we focused on front-end design, the video will focus on front-end user interaction and functionality. However, if you want to take a more detailed look at our server-side code, and our database feel free to utilize this GitHub link and the README in the project on how to setup the application on your local machine. Lastly, if you ever want to create something similar, Spotify has an excellent website for developers you should check out here.

The Homepage layout of “Spooify”, with Pitbull as our default artist.

As you can tell from the video we put a lot of effort into the project with the amount of time we had. We had some stumbling blocks, but we overcame them and still accomplished the end goal, a full-stack MVP project with a front-end emphasis on React and CSS. Ultimately, that's what matters on this journey of becoming proficient Software Engineers. All of us worked great together, even when we all had our share of blonde moments and patience was thin. Emotions were never an issue during any conflict or discussion we had. Everyone had an open mind, thought about the team and mission first, and communicated clearly with one another. I wouldn’t hesitate to work with these 3 men again.

The Log In page for “Spooify”

We wouldn’t have been able to do this without each other. I didn’t know I would enjoy the dynamic of the team and pair-based programming so much when it came to coding. It adds another level of complexity, but that's what makes coding fun. The learning never stops. If you have any questions or feedback regarding the video or our application, we would love to hear from you. Never hesitate to reach out. Thanks for reading and viewing!

